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Economy The reactions of the political arc after the new inflation rate - Infobae


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The reactions of the political arc after the new inflation rate - Infobae



February 14, 2024

This Wednesday, Indec reported that the price increase in January was 20.6%

Inflation accumulated 254.2% in one year

After the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec) released the inflation index for January , which was 20.6% and accumulated 254.2% year-on-year , different actors in Argentine politics expressed their position to through their social networks . On the one hand, there were those who maintained that Javier Milei's government is heading in the right direction and, on the other, those who disagreed, criticized the management and referred to the increases .

The libertarian José Luis Espert defended the management of the national government and celebrated that inflation is “almost 5 points less than the previous month.” “Little by little the government of @JMilei is leaving behind the hyperinflation that Kirchnerism left us behind ,” he wrote. In addition, he pointed out that he still “feels in his pockets” but assured that the country is on the “good path.”


"You still feel it in your pockets, but we are on the right track," emphasized José Luis Espert.

Facundo Manes emphasized the people affected by inflation . And he stated: “Behind this number there are so many stories of families that are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet, prices that rise much faster than income and a growing uncertainty that does not stop. "A stabilization and development plan that puts an end to this scourge that has plagued us for years is extremely urgent ."

Facundo Manes spoke about the families that cannot make ends meet due to inflation in Argentina
“A number that reflects the inheritance received and that requires agreements and efforts to overcome the main concern of Argentines ,” reflected the national senator of the Radical Civic Union, Maximiliano Abad

"A number that requires agreements," said Maximiliano Abad about January inflation

Karina Banfi, radical deputy, maintained that ending inflation “that impoverishes all Argentines day by day” is the “true need and urgency.” And she assured: “All efforts must be focused on this goal.”


Karina Banfi pointed out that inflation "impoverishes all Argentines day by day"
With an ironic tone as if she were calling Javier Milei, Margarita Stolbizer also reacted to the inflation index. “Phone, President: this is the priority,” the representative wrote on her X account.

Margarita Stolbizer reacted after knowing the inflation rate

Milei is not exterminating inflation, which was already unbearable. She is exterminating pockets ,” wrote Congresswoman Myriam Bregman on her Instagram account. In this sense, she attacked the President and Luis Caputo, the Minister of Economy : “The blow to the pocket continues: January inflation was 20.6% and has already accumulated 51.3% in just two months. In one year, it rose 254.2%, destroying the income of workers and destroying pensions.” In addition, she reviewed the increases and stressed that salaries cannot hold up. “The profits of big businessmen are not touched. In the end, the caste seems to have been the workers, the students, the retirees and the small merchants,” she concluded.

Deputy Myriam Bregman criticized Javier Milei's management

Along the same lines, Nicolás del Caño did it . The Left Front deputy cited the publication of X (former Twitter) of Indec and commented: “Milei multiplied inflation with the mega devaluation and froze pensions and salaries. What are the union centers waiting for to call for an active strike and a plan of struggle? "We must defeat this looting of working people."

"Milei multiplied inflation with the mega devaluation and froze retirements and salaries," commented Nicolás del Caño.