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Politics The regulatory discussion that could complicate the approval of the DNU in Congress - Infobae


The regulatory discussion that could complicate the approval of the DNU in Congress - Infobae



February 16, 2024

The dialogue blocs believe that the analysis can be divided by themes or chapters to avoid entering into the “all or nothing” logic. Internal differences in the UCR

By Feerico Millenaar

The Chamber of Deputies during the debate on the Omnibus Law (Maximiliano Luna)

The bicameral commission that must analyze the validity of the Necessity and Urgency Decrees has still not been established and cross accusations are emerging in Congress . Meanwhile, some opposition deputies are already focusing on a regulatory issue that could be decisive when approving or rejecting the mega DNU that deregulates the economy, makes the labor market more flexible and reforms the State.

The Legislative Procedure Commission , popularly known as the DNU Bicameral , is made up of eight senators and eight deputies. And it is responsible for analyzing presidential decrees and then issuing an opinion on their validity. For a DNU to be annulled, after signing the opinion, both Chambers must reject it by a simple majority.

This Wednesday, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem , sent a formal note to the head of the Unión por la Patria bloc, Germán Martínez, to present the list of three deputies who will make up the commission representing that political force. However, Peronists claim that this is a simple excuse to delay the debate on the mega DNU signed by Javier Milei.

It happens that a month and a half ago Unión por la Patria presented a list with four names , because it considers that that is the number of seats that corresponds to it given that it is the first minority with 99 deputies. Libertarians, for their part, claim that they can only have three places. The discussion has been at a stalemate for weeks.
“According to the number of members of your Block (99) over the total of the Chamber (257), you have 38.52 percent representation. That percentage out of eight members implies the amount of 3.08″, Menem stated in his note. And he added: "As you know from the repeated conversations we have had on the matter, your Block can under no circumstances seek the integration of four Deputies, which would imply assuming 50 percent representation."

Martín Menem argues with Germán Martínez during the debate on the Omnibus Law (Gustavo Gavotti)

For its part, the UCR also redoubled the pressure on the Government this week through a letter in which it requested Menem “with total urgency and without further delay” to appoint the corresponding members of the Lower House. However, Kirchnerism assures that this also " constitutes a delaying maneuver that is functional to the strategy of keeping it in force."
“The deadlines established for the processing of the aforementioned DNU in committee have long expired. It is time to address the decree on the premises and for each political actor to assume their position vis-à-vis society, in the face of the consequences it already generates,” senators and deputies from Unión por la Patria stated in a joint statement.

This is because the law itself that regulates the DNU establishes that, after 10 days without being discussed, said regulations are authorized to be discussed in the venues . That is why Peronism has already made two requests in the Senate for its owner, Victoria Villarruel , to call a special session. The Vice President rejected the requests because Peronism does not have a majority.

Rodrigo De Loredo, president of the UCR block (Gustavo Gavotti)
Meanwhile, the dialogue opposition parties are analyzing what their next steps will be if Martín Menem finally confirms the call. Although there was consensus within radicalism to demand the formation of the bicameral, positions are divided when it comes to endorsing or rejecting its content.

As explained by the bloc, the two representatives of the UCR in the bicameral could vote differently . Deputy Francisco Monti , closer to Governor Alfredo Cornejo 's line , would be inclined to approve the DNU. While Senator Víctor Zimmermann , close to Gerardo Morales, has a much more critical position, like the president of the party Martín Lousteau.

The UCR has already shown its internal differences during the debate on the Omnibus Law. When it came time to sign the opinion of the 16 members of the plenary commissions, only eight voted in dissent and the rest abstained. Once at the venue, a group of four deputies, led by Facundo Manes , rejected almost all the articles. The rejection even reached half of the bloc when the articles related to the State's powers to reform were voted on.

To prevent the fracture from continuing to deepen , the centennial party is analyzing the possibility of analyzing the DNU in parts or chapters , in order to avoid entering into the logic of “all or nothing.”

The problem is that for many, including the ruling party, the DNU must be analyzed as a whole. Law 26,122 of 2006 stipulates that the bicameral must issue on the formal validity or invalidity of the decrees, that is, that it meets the deadlines, that it does not include the four matters prohibited by the Constitution (criminal, tax, electoral or the regime of the political parties), and that there are “exceptional circumstances” of “necessity” and “urgency” that make it impossible to carry out the ordinary legislative process.

From the ranks of radicalism they highlight that never before has a DNU that covers such a wide range of topics been analyzed . That would enable its treatment by chapters , as long as there is consensus with other political forces.

In response to Infobae 's consultation , the Hacemos Federal Coalition - which will have Representative Nicolás Massot as its representative in the bicameral - considered that the analysis by parts "would be reasonable."

However, both La Libertad Avanza and the PRO, which are preparing to validate the DNU as a whole, have not yet defined whether they could accept this new interpretation of the regulations.