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The rental market in December 2023



The rental market in December 2023 - Reporte Inmobiliario



December 30, 2023

In CABA the average value multiplied by at least 3 in one year. Prices with inflationary inertia and supply on hold
In such a turbulent December, it would be fanciful to expect major changes in a market like real estate, first due to its own intrinsic dynamics and then superlatively exacerbated by the particular context of this last month of 2023.

Last December the number of used 1 to 4 room apartments available for rent, which were published on property search engines, was reduced to 551 units.

The reaction of the offer could be observed as logical in light of the wait generated by the announced repeal of the rental law and then the feasibility of implementing the new legal regime arising from the presidential DNU and its effective applicability as of the penultimate day of the month and year.

The number of used apartments on offer during December was thus 68.6% lower than that available in the same month of 2022 when there were 1,754 units offered.

The largest number of used apartments offered for 3 years in pesos is concentrated in the 2 rooms with 240 units. The number of studio apartments on offer reached 148, while the 3-bedroom units totaled 148. Finally, with 39 units, the largest 3-bedroom apartments are the units with the lowest availability.

The data arises from the comparison of the figures with which Reporte Inmobiliario nourishes its bases and that it obtains from applying new data mining technologies to all the offer publications available on the Internet that can be clearly identified as used apartments offered for traditional rental. 3 years with prices in pesos

In terms of requested prices, 3-room apartments were the ones that experienced the greatest increase in the month in relation to the average for last November. Thus, the value registered in December of $450,000 per month on average for 2-bedroom units was 20% higher than the $375,000 requested on average in November 2023.

Continuing with the prices, the average value of the existing offer for a 1-room unit, last November, was $230,000 per month, while the average rental value of a 2-room unit reached $280,000 and the Units with 3 bedrooms were quoted on average $600,000.

In light of the data, changes cannot yet be observed in the dynamics of the residential rental market, given that it practically could not operate during December with the new contractual framework that was opened in a way, even unexpected for operators in terms of its degree of freedom. This new framework, as well as opening up a high degree of freedom to location agreements, imposes a high degree of responsibility on all those who will have to implement and communicate it.

As of December 29, 2023, there are no longer strict and fixed formulas to which agreements must adhere. Each case will merit an individual analysis and agreement. There is no longer a single contract model. More than ever and as always done, to achieve sustainability of the agreements, common sense must be applied, always keeping in mind that the parties are complementary and not adversaries as they tried to establish themselves in recent years and which led to an extreme shortage of supply.
