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Politics The rule that enables the Government to remove the plans of those who picket or commit vandalism began to take effect - Infobae

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The rule that enables the Government to remove the plans of those who picket or commit vandalism began to take effect. - Infobae​



April 11, 2024

Those who travel abroad for “sufficient time to prevent compliance with the consideration” or who “are not related to their situation of vulnerability” will also lose the benefit.

The measure was spread in the middle of the picketing day that kept 9 de Julio Avenue occupied (photo Maximiliano Luna)

The Ministry of Human Capital, headed by Sandra Pettovello , issued a resolution and three annexes through which it is established that the beneficiaries of the “ Back to Work ” and “ Social Accompaniment ” programs will be automatically discharged - before Enhance Work - who carry out picketing, stop traffic, acts of violence , disturb public order and, among other points, who have traveled abroad for a sufficient time to prevent compliance with the consideration.

Although the regulations are dated April 3, 8 and 9 , they were announced hours after the picketers defied - yesterday at noon - the anti-picketing protocol by confronting the City Police on 9 de Julio Avenue, which ended with a balance of eight soldiers and two press workers injured; They carried out destruction valued at 32 million pesos and this led to the arrest of 10 protesters.

“Expenditure Criteria”

accessed the documentation signed by Minister Pettovello and the Secretaries of Children, Adolescents and Family and Labor, Pablo de la Torre and Julio Gabriel Cordero , through which the “General and Operational Guidelines of the Return to Work Program” are dictated. and the Social Support Program and Transfer and Distribution Criteria.” These are the two programs into which Pettovello decided to divide Empower Work and which currently assists more than 1,200,000 people. In both, two articles stand out that are “ reasons for discharges .”

The first maintains: “Whoever prevents, hinders or hinders the normal functioning of transportation by land, underground, water or air or does not allow third parties to move freely on public roads, will be immediately graduated from the program, and payment will be suspended. of the benefit . ”

The second highlights that they will also be disaffected from either of the two programs in the event of " incurring acts of violence that cause disruption of public order , which have been reliably notified by the competent organizations."

Pettovello's decision to take over this empire had already been reported here , but this week the decision was made. In fact, on December 18, the Minister of Human Capital and the Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich , had already expressed this will within the framework of the march that the Piquetera Unit announced to Plaza de Mayo against the policies economic of the government of Javier Milei .

"The only ones who will not receive the plan are those who go to the march and block the street," Sandra Pettovello had announced.

“The only ones who will not receive the plan are those who go to the march and block the street,” Pettovello had announced through a three-minute recorded speech. He had also anticipated that he would take away from the social leaders - some of whom had been part of Alberto Fernández 's Government - the “intermediation of the plans” and that he would audit “all the organizations” in charge of delivering the benefits.

According to the rules already in force, if any of the 10 detained yesterday is a beneficiary of one of the aforementioned plans, then they will be discharged. The same will happen with those who are identified through the filming, after reporting it to the competent justice system.

These are not the only reasons to sanction former beneficiaries of Empower Work. In the annexes to resolution 84 that creates the Return to Work and Social Support programs, it is also stated that beneficiaries who: “ Have traveled abroad for sufficient time to prevent them from complying with the corresponding compensation or to destinations that are not related to their situation of vulnerability .” And those who: “Have made expenses and/or consumption inside and outside the country with credit and/or debit cards and/or virtual wallets in the last six months, whose monthly average exceeds the amount equivalent to the Minimum, Living and Mobile Wage” .

Resolution 84, signed by Pettovello on April 9, establishes the “cessation of the activities of the Management Units and the Certification Units of the National Program for Socio-Productive Inclusion and Work Empowerment Development.”

The Management Units, in general, were cooperatives that depended on social movements, municipalities and governorates - these two in smaller numbers. Through which the beneficiaries of the Empower Work had to carry out 20 hours of weekly work. It also gave them the power of control over the people who had the plan, an “extortion tool” according to the Government. Human Capital had anticipated that this resolution would be taken. It's official now.