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Politics The ruling party called the Bicameral for Thursday and the debate on the DNU begins in the bicameral commission - Infobae


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The ruling party called the Bicameral for Thursday and the debate on the DNU begins in the bicameral commission - Infobae



February 20, 2024

Senators and deputies were summoned on February 22 at 12 noon to discuss the deregulatory decree of the economy signed by President Javier Mieli. They now have 10 business days to rule

By David Cayon

Juan Carlos Pagotto (right) at the plenary meeting of the Justice and Criminal Affairs and Budget and Finance committees in the Senate

The president of Deputies, Martín Menem , appointed this Monday the members of the lower house who will make up the bicameral commission of Legislative Procedure, in charge of analyzing the Decrees of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) , and in less than 24 hours the ruling party authorized that The Commission is summoned to begin processing it.
After several weeks of debate, the list of deputies and senators was formed and the legislative secretary of the Senate, Agustín Giustinian, issued the call for the debate to begin in the bicameral chamber this Thursday, February 22.

The meeting will be in the Arturo Illia Room of the Senate and among the first decisions that the eight senators and eight deputies must make is the election of the authorities

“We are waiting for the summons, most likely next week for several reasons. The first is that this is something that Villarruel - the vice president of the Nation Victoria Villarruel - who has not yet returned from Salta has to activate ,” explained a member of the bicameral who comes from the Senate.

“We want it to be as fast as possible , but it has to be done at the call of the administrative secretary of the commission -Gustavo Heredia- that's how we get started,” said a representative who will also be part but representing Deputies.

Javier Milei's Cabinet team

A no less important piece of information is who is going to be the president of the Commission , since their function is not only restricted to summoning the members, something of vital relevance , taking into account that they are the ones who open the commission and enable the processing of the topics; But in this case, in a scenario of a tie, the vote of the highest authority is worth double.
This year that place has to be occupied by a member of the Upper House, so some of the possible candidates could be the libertarian Juan Carlos Pagotto ; the Kirchnerists Anabel Fernández Sagasti, Mariano Recalde and María Teresa González ; the radical Victor Zimmermann; the macrista Luis Juez; and the dissident Peronists Juan Carlos Romero (Cambio Federal) and Carlos Espínola (Unidad Federal), who are the representatives of the Senate.

The ruling party wants it to be Pagotto but faces an unwritten problem in the regulations. According to usage and customs, this commission is not chaired by legislators who have recently arrived in the National Congress - experience is pointed out - and in the case of libertarians, none of them have a previous career as a senator. “There would be no problem, the presidency has to belong to the ruling party,” said a legislator from the dialogue opposition.

Furthermore, since the president is the one who authorizes the agenda, the LLA legislator could add to the debate in the Commission the DNU of Alberto Fernández that were never discussed and, in this way, gain time while they wait for the Supreme Court of Justice to issue a ruling on the matter. DNU 70.

Deputy Germán Martínez

This group of senators is joined by the representatives for Deputies where the ruling party Oscar Zago - block head - and Lisandro Almirón are ; the Kirchnerists Vanesa Siley , Ramiro Gutiérrez -responds to Sergio Massa - and Carolina Gaillard -commanded the failed impeachment against the Supreme Court last year-; the macrista Hernán Lombardi ; the radical Francisco Monti and Nicolás Massot (We Make the Federal Coalition).

From Unión por la Patria they claimed that Menem ignored the proportionality of representation and the head of the block, Germán Martínez, wrote on the social network the DNUs. 1 seat for every 33 deputies. La Libertad Avanza has 38 members and was assigned 2 places in the Bicameral. 1 bench for every 19 members. They call that proportion.”

Now, with the conformation already resolved, the call is awaited and from that moment there will be 10 business days for the bicameral to rule. That deadline has already passed because the Commission was not set up, so the DNU could be brought to the premises as requested by senators K. However, the most feasible option is for it to be discussed in the Commission starting next week.

If it obtains an opinion to go to the premises, for it to be deactivated, this type of regulations needs the rejection of both Chambers, a scenario that has never occurred since the law - pushed by Cristina Kirchner - that regulates the DNU exists.