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The Russian Spies Next Door

Betsy Ross

Well-known member
I posted about this yesterday as it was in a local paper but just noticed this was also in the Wall Street Journal. Interesting that they could pretend that they were originally from Argentina. There is so much about Russians in Buenos Aires now so thought this was a pretty timely piece.

Here was the local article -

Interesting story! Didn't realize there are so many spies. I guess with everything going on in Russia the spies are more important than ever. As far as all the Russians here it seems like the perfect type of immigrants you want. Not many locals seem to have or want kids. Talked to many of my girlfriend's friends and none of them want kids. Argentina is probably going to have a problem in the future without letting in many people that want to move here. Seems like no one in the US wants kids these days either. It might be why they are so desperate to let in all these immigrants.
Russians are good with languages. I met a Russian woman the other day at the park. She has only been here a year and her Spanish was better than mine. Physically they can blend in here and most locals are receptive to immigrants so they fit in well here.
I've seen the same. Back in the US I knew some friends who would frequent the strip clubs and they'd say it was surprising how the Russians picked up English so much faster than other immigrant groups and likewise within a year or so. I think they're maybe more forced to, in that, other immigrant groups tend to have pockets where learning the native language isn't as necessary.
I've seen the same. Back in the US I knew some friends who would frequent the strip clubs and they'd say it was surprising how the Russians picked up English so much faster than other immigrant groups and likewise within a year or so. I think they're maybe more forced to, in that, other immigrant groups tend to have pockets where learning the native language isn't as necessary.
I have noticed the same thing about Russians. I have met a few in my travels and the ones I met spoke multiple languages. I was in Munich last summer and met a girl and she spoke fluent English, German and French. The ones here in the US that I knew picked up English very quickly. But then again Europeans are much better at it than Americans. Many people in the US barely speak English properly. :ROFLMAO:
FYI these Russian spies were part of the prisoner exchange. Putin got them back in exchange for the American prisoners.

Wow fascinating story. Can you imagine those poor kids who thought all their lives they were Argentines and only spoke Spanish to realize their parents were Russian spies.
Wow fascinating story. Can you imagine those poor kids who thought all their lives they were Argentines and only spoke Spanish to realize their parents were Russian spies.
Poor kids. This will just encourage Russia to kidnap other Americans. You would have to be totally crazy to visit Russia if you are American.
I also wondered that as the parents were obviously in prison for many years. They must have made up some story about their parents but hearing Putin say buenos noches hit hard.
It wasn't years. It sounds like they were gone for 20 months while the kids were in foster care and in boarding school. I'm not sure what they told the kids where their parents were.

It wasn't years. It sounds like they were gone for 20 months while the kids were in foster care and in boarding school. I'm not sure what they told the kids where their parents were.

Thanks. I thought they were locked up for several years. Fortunately, they were able to be with their kids after 20 months. Still wild that the kids thought they were Argentineans all these years. I wonder if they will come back to Argentina in the future. They have many Russians here now.