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Economy The salary sought by the Argentines already exceeds 700,000 pesos - Infobae

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The salary sought by the Argentines already exceeds 700,000 pesos - Infobae​



April 19, 2024

This is the income level that candidates intend to fill a job position. In the last twelve months, the average requested salary increased much less than inflation


In March of this year, the average salary sought by Argentines who aspire to fill a job position was $706,426 gross. This is a value that exceeds the salary requested in February by 17.72%, but does not cover the advance of inflation in the last twelve months.

The data belongs to a report prepared by the Bumeran company. According to the study, between March 2023 and the same month of this year the intended salary increased 189.14%, against an increase in inflation of 287.90%, which means that Argentines are sacrificing income to be able to access new positions labor.

“In the latest Labor Market Index we can see that the accumulated increase in the salary required by talents is 45.75% during the first quarter of 2024. Although this value exceeds those registered in both the first and second quarters, the last quarter of 2023, cannot be compared to the accumulated inflation of this year,” explains Carolina Molinaro , Head of Marketing at Jobint.


Salary differences​

The salary demand of Argentines varies greatly according to several aspects. On the one hand, it must be considered that those who are just taking their first steps in the labor market (junior workers) have a much lower salary expectation than the average. In March, for example, they asked to earn $490,948 gross.

That same month, workers who already have experience (senior or semi-senior) requested a remuneration of $735,557 and those who aspired to boss or supervisor positions requested to earn $941,807 gross.

This means that depending on the level of experience, the intended salaries range from $451,859.


There are also, within each category, important differences according to the branch of activity. Within the junior positions , for example, those with the highest expected remuneration in March were those in the “technical areas in health”, with $880,000 gross per month; Engineering, with 768,750 pesos per month and financial economic planning, with 693,125 pesos per month.

On the other hand, those with the lowest salary expectations were the waiters, with 275,000 pesos per month; Telemarketing, with 325,000 pesos per month and Production, with 325,000 pesos per month.

Regarding the semi-senior and senior positions , the positions with the highest salary requirement were Project Leadership, with 1,350,000 pesos per month; Industrial Engineering, with 1,200,000 pesos per month and Administration and Finance Treasury with 1,000,000 pesos per month.

On the contrary, the lowest claimed salaries in March were those of Waiters, with 350,000 pesos per month; Receptionist and Personnel Attention, both with 450,000 pesos per month.

Gender gaps​

The gap in the required salary according to gender reached 17.23% in favor of men during the first quarter of 2024. The peak in the difference in the intended remunerations was recorded in January, reaching 17.23%. In February it was 14.47%, and in March it was 16.77%.

In March, the average salary required by men was 760,096 pesos per month, while that requested by women is 650,946 pesos per month. This means that women required 109,150 pesos less per month. In this way, the gender wage gap is 16.77% in favor of men, an increase of 2 percentage points compared to the previous month.

Compared to the previous month, the average salary sought by men increased by 18.97%, while that of women increased by 16.63%. Since October 2023, there has not been such a marked difference in the increase in the average salary requested by men compared to that required by women.