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Real Estate News The story behind the building next to the Cabildo that is famous for its rooftop, a favorite of Pope Francis - La Nacion Propiedades



The story behind the building next to the Cabildo that is famous for its rooftop, a favorite of Pope Francis - La Nacion Propiedades



August 31, 2024

Located in the historic Roverano passage, right on Avenida de Mayo, the building became a key space in Buenos Aires culture with a privileged view of the city.

By Ariel Goldfarb


The Rooftop located in the Plaza de Mayo was recognized as one of the best reconversion projects in the historic center

The Rooftop Plaza de Mayo , located on the historic terrace of the Roverano Building on Avenida de Mayo 500 in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of San Nicolás, not only offers spectacular views of the Cabildo, the clock of the Buenos Aires Legislature and the Casa Rosada, but has also been the scene of key moments in the city. From the choice of journalist Tucker Carlson for his interview with Javier Milei in 2023 to the story of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Pope Francis, who used to drink mate there when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires, this place has become a symbol of Buenos Aires culture .


Views of the building on Roverano Passage in the heart of Buenos Aires.

The history of the building

The Roverano Building is a historic building that was built in 1878 next to the Cabildo. It originally had two floors: a gallery with lawyers' offices on the ground floor and rooms on the upper floor. Hernán de la Colina, one of the owners of the Rooftop Plaza de Mayo , said that the Roverano brothers - owners of the building - established an agreement with the city that allowed them to intervene in the back of the building. As a result, it was decided to demolish the entire structure and build a new five-story building, preserving the original facades on Avenida de Mayo. Later, three additional floors were added, where the Rooftop Plaza de Mayo is currently located. "This building is the second oldest in the area, only surpassed by the Cabildo, and it was inaugurated during the opening of Avenida de Mayo," he added .

De la Colina also highlighted that the Roverano Building was the first to have a direct connection to the subway, although that entrance was closed during the pandemic and has not yet been reopened. “Today, the building is in the process of being converted for new uses, but we are the first to give it a different function,” he commented. In addition, he mentioned that on the ground floor the Lagomarsino premises are being fitted out, considered the oldest printing press in Argentina, a very important space that functioned as a workshop and part of a museum. It is expected that this premises will become an emblematic point.


The Roverano Passage was the first to have direct access to subway line A, although that access currently remains closed since the pandemic.

Unforgettable visits

De la Colina also recalled an anecdote about the current Pope Francis, formerly the archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio , during his visits to the terrace. “He liked to come and asked the doorman, who still works here after 47 years, for permission to go up to the terrace and drink mate. From there, he could observe who entered the cathedral and who did not. Bergoglio came accompanied by his friend, the neighborhood newsstand owner. That is the anecdote we have and the one we want to preserve. We are working so that Pope Francis confirms that story. In addition, he used to frequent the ground floor, where a hair salon operated ,” he noted.


A sign at the barber shop that commemorates the haircut given to Pope Francis.

Another famous visitor to the rooftop was that of the American television political journalist, Tucker Carlson, who conducted an interview with Javier Milei during his 2023 election campaign, using the terrace as a stage.

“We have had several interviews, from Spanish television to Japanese television. The election coverage, for example, was done from here, with interviews with different personalities ,” said De la Colina, highlighting the attractiveness of the space for various productions. He also stressed that the terrace has been used by different media companies to produce their productions, consolidating itself as a key place in the city.

De la Colina enthusiastically noted: “ Tucker Carlson’s interview was the most viewed video produced in the history of X, or Twitter, with over 560 million views . His interview with me reached over 80 million views.”


Javier Milei during the interview by journalist Tucker Carlson conducted in the emblematic building


With the soul of tango

The Rooftop Plaza de Mayo has not only stood out for its privileged location, but also for its role in the Tango BA festival organized by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires. During the recent edition, Hernán de la Colina shared with LA NACION details about the innovative proposal they presented for the event. He explained that the objective was to offer a renewed and more modern vision of the festival, in order to update and expand its audience. “We made a proposal to the Tango World Cup, the Tango Festival and the Culture Festival, with a different vision, a little more modern, that updates and expands the target audience,” he says.

Within this initiative, they considered it important to include their electronic tango and mapping show , which is traditionally performed in the summer on the terrace. “We thought it was important to incorporate our show, adapting to the current weather conditions,” says De la Colina.

Regarding the impact that the Tango BA festival had on the visibility of the building, De la Colina highlighted that they were chosen as one of the best reconversion projects in the Historic Centre. “The first prize went to the Paseo del Bajo, the second prize was ours, and the third prize was for the reconversion of unusual spaces. The truth is that we get mentions all the time, but I think that the most important one is the mention that each of the people who visit us can make for us,” he stressed.

In turn, De la Colina stressed that what really makes the rooftop special is the setting and the experience it offers. As he explained, it is a very Argentine place, which allows you to show Buenos Aires with the tranquility that characterizes its essence. From there, it is possible to enjoy an almost 360° view, along with a well-located park and a hall with capacity for more than 120 people, which has covered space options and a terrace with a unique view. However, he insisted that the true essence of the place can only be appreciated by visiting it in person.

In winter, an immersive show is presented with projectors covering 240 degrees, enveloping spectators in a visual art associated with tango music. The rooftop, adaptable for all types of events, uses mapping technology for interactive presentations, showing emblematic domes and clocks of the city, which enriches its calendar of activities and distinguishes it from other spaces.
