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Real Estate News The story behind two iconic buildings in downtown Buenos Aires that are being renovated - La Nacion Propiedades


The story behind two iconic buildings in downtown Buenos Aires that are being renovated - La Nacion Propiedades


August 05, 2024

Each symbol of its time, today they adapt to the new trends of the corporate world.

By Sebastian Prats


The center of Buenos Aires , when you look closely, is a great collection of buildings that have made history . Of course, for those who walk through its streets every day, custom may have made them blend in with the “gray” of the city and lose that shine or color that makes them architectural pieces worthy of admiration. The Mirafiori and the República, despite having been built and designed more than 30 years apart, are today united by having been protagonists of Buenos Aires and by converting their offices to current trends in efficiency, security and technology.

The towers dominate the downtown area

Built between 1961 and 1964 to house the offices of the Fiat automobile company, the Mirafiori building quickly became a modern icon of Buenos Aires at that time. Pioneering for its integral glass façade (today better known as a “curtain wall”, almost a “norm” in corporate architecture) and added to its 18 floors , it began to imprint another landscape on downtown Buenos Aires. Of course, in order for the city to gain height, it was first necessary to promulgate, in 1957, Ordinance 4110, entitled “Regulations for the construction of 'Tower Buildings', which enables and encourages buildings with a free perimeter with a basement and a tower in height”. Therefore, it is no coincidence that a good part of the current buildings have that sixties imprint.


The iconic glass building that contrasted with its neighbor Teatro ColónGonzalo Colini

“I remember that when we were young, we would get in our cars on the eve of the holidays and go out to see 9 de Julio and that glass building that was lit up at night. They would turn on the lights so that from the outside it looked like a little Christmas tree,” recalls Domingo Speranza, CEO of Newmark Argentina, a company that is also currently managing the building. “It was the time when Fiat was the leading automotive company,” he adds.

Located on Cerrito and Viamonte, opposite the Teatro Colón, the Mirafiori building had begun to be designed 10 years before its inauguration , when Fiat Concord, the local subsidiary of the Italian car manufacturer, planned the construction of a building for its offices. The work was carried out by Impresit, a construction company also belonging to the holding company.


The building is more alive and modern than everGonzalo Colini

But far from being stuck in time, the building is now a reflection of the work of aggiornamento to the new times by those who manage and market it. “What we are developing as a concept is the administration, management and marketing of properties with a purpose ,” says Speranza. “This means that, beyond compliance with mandatory regulations, we ensure care in environmental matters, governance, security and even inclusion,” he adds. Specifically, work is being done on the issue of waste, energy efficiency, access and everything that contributes to the well-being of those who work in the building .

Republic: Cesar Pelli intervenes in Buenos Aires

More than 30 years after the Mirafiori building was inaugurated, the prestigious architect from Tucumán, César Pelli, took charge of his first office building in Buenos Aires. The commission was from Banco República, although perhaps the most memorable is the presence of the company Telefónica de Argentina there.


The magnificent design of the República building, created by César PelliGonzalo Colini

“When the República opened, it reflected the power of the new economy. Banco República had rented it to Telefónica, which displayed its logo on the façade. In fact, there was an advertisement in which Adrián Suar returned from Ezeiza and became happy when he saw the Telefónica logo on the República,” Speranza recalls. “ It was the first 100% international class A building in Buenos Aires ,” he sums up.


In the República building, César Pelli's first in Buenos Aires, important restoration work is currently being carried out on the façade to return it to its original state.


It was the first 100% international class A building in Buenos Aires.Gonzalo Colini

Just as was done at Mirafiori, important work is currently being done on the building, such as restoring the façade to return it to its original state and updating the technology of the air conditioning and elevators, as well as environmental adaptations to obtain LEED certification. The building's own square is also being enhanced , with native vegetation requiring less irrigation and a rainwater reuse system. Finally, a space managed by the flex-office brand Spaces will soon be inaugurated on the first floor .

Mirafiori and República, two architectural icons of downtown Buenos Aires, may no longer be visited for their lights or appear in advertisements, but they continue to reflect the architectural wealth of Buenos Aires and how work spaces are changing.
