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Politics The survey that analyzed the impact of Milei's DNU and the reforms of the “omnibus law” - Infobae


The survey that analyzed the impact of Milei's DNU and the reforms of the “omnibus law” - Infobae


January 04, 2024

The Aresco survey revealed a change in the first numbers that the government recorded as soon as it took office. The numbers of the President and his government in full execution of the stabilization plan

By Facundo Chaves

President Milei and his Cabinet, in one of the meetings at Casa Rosada

President Milei and his Cabinet, in one of the meetings at Casa Rosada

A survey revealed the impact that the necessity and urgency decree had on public opinion, aimed at applying profound deregulations in the economy and reforms of the so-called “omnibus law”, two initiatives announced by president Javier Milei, which proposed changes and repeals in nearly half a thousand laws and regulations in more than 1,000 articles.
This is a survey carried out by Julio Aurelio-Aresco, directed by Federico Aurelio, and which was recorded in the last two weeks of last December, when the DNU announcements and the “Bases” bill had already been made. and starting points for the freedom of Argentines” - how society reacted to two measures that are key to the beginning of the administration.

The public opinion expert recalled that the last measurement, which Infobae revealed two weeks ago, had recorded an increase in the positive image both Milei's staff, as well as the incipient government. According to this survey - which is in full preparation and a preview of which is published here -, in the first days of the new president's arrival to power, the segment of voters with an openly critical position of the libertarian leader had been reduced. According to this measurement, Milei had managed to expand his original base of electoral support, 55%, which he achieved in the runoff against Sergio Massa.

Javier Milei arrived at the national government announcing a series of adjustment measures to stabilize the economy

After those initial days of strength and expansion, Federico Aurelio detected in his measurements that a different phenomenon began to occur. “I do not blame this change on the DNU announcement, because people are far from what a decree of necessity and urgency means, but people are not far from inflation and the effects that this causes on income,” he acknowledged.

The director of Aresco described that in the last days of last year the consequences of the measures taken at the beginning of the Milei government began to be felt in the middle sectors. We are talking about an ultra-orthodox plan, which included measures aimed at stabilizing an economy that had been in free fall - without dollars, and with a gap of more than 100% and a bankrupt Central Bank - to stop the fiscal deficit and issuance and to order an extreme distortion of relative prices.

Question of numbers​

But then what did we begin to see? Federico Aurelio explained that in the last weeks of December, in surveys carried out throughout the country, Javier Milei's management received a 46% positive image, while 37% was negative and 14% average. “If I extend that regularity, between positive regularity and negative regularity, we are talking about a 54 to 44, mirrored with the electoral result,” explained the political analyst. .

Something similar happens with the image in personal terms of Milei. In that sense, the director of Aresco described that his numbers indicate that in the last two weeks the president remained in the order of 56% to 42% positive image versus negative image.

Javier Milei, on the day of the inauguration, on the balcony of the Casa Rosada

Javier Milei, on the day of the inauguration, on the balcony of the Casa Rosada

The public opinion analyst described that these are numbers that show the strong impact of the inevitable consequences of the adjustment and stabilization plans, after the imbalances that the new administration of the government of Alberto Fernández, Cristina Kirchner and Sergio Massa received.

“In general terms, the support that Milei has is in values similar to the vote. When the different decisions that were included in both the DNU and the omnibus law are analyzed in detail, the balance, the parity between agreement and disagreement, predominates, but critical positions also appear on specific issues,” explained Federico Aurelio.

In that sense, he mentioned that the surveys show a critical view of the DNU tool, compared to the debate in Congress on the government plan. “Between DNU or discussion in Congress, there is a 52 to 47 opinion of Congress,” he explained. But he also highlighted that on issues linked to specific measures, in the case of rentals, “the majority opinion is in favor of repeal.”

“When asked about eliminating compensation, they answer against it. Those linked to work had more disagreement than agreement. But in the opposite direction there is a favorable opinion about eliminating price controls,” said Federico Aurelio and highlighted: “In general terms, the position of the Argentines is quite balanced.”

Regarding this aspect, he recognized that given another experience of the arrival of a new government, it could be taken as negative that at the beginning of the “honeymoon”, when governments arrive, instead of having a very positive margin in their management, there is parity. . But the head of Aresco qualified that opinion: “Argentina has been going through a deep crisis for many years and now a bad situation is accentuated by all these measures that are being taken to stabilize, which at one point intensify inflation. Whether it is slightly favorable or balanced is still positive, because Milei is currently going through the most critical stage of the adjustment plan.”

“If the current measures obtain positive results, there will undoubtedly be greater growth in its image. There is no doubt that, given the costs involved in an adjustment, the fact that Milei has the support of half of society is a more favorable fact for the president," described the director of Aresco, who recalled that Javier Milei came to the Presidency with votes that were not only from his hard core, but came from other voters, from Patricia Bullrich and Juan Schiaretti.

In that sense, he recalled that his base, which elected him in the PASO and in the first round, was around 30% and that from that step he built a new majority. “The great dilemma that appears now is how much the middle class and those who did not originally vote for him will be willing to endure the sacrifice. Today there are 44% who did not vote for him and until they see that their pocketbook improves, they will not change their minds,” he stated. And he gave an anchor to that electoral subject that usually oscillates: the middle class.