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Real Estate News The trendy gastronomic hub that was created in one of the most up-to-date neighborhoods in the city - La Nacion Propiedades


The trendy gastronomic hub that was created in one of the most up-to-date neighborhoods in the city - La Nacion Propiedades



September 19, 2024

In the heart of one of the most sought-after neighborhoods in CABA, commercial premises have been opening that have been growing over the last 10 years and today are part of a consolidated gastronomic hub.

By Maria Josefina Lanzi


The trendy gastronomic hub of Belgrano RRicardo Pristupluk

In the heart of Belgrano R , a gastronomic hub has been forming in recent years that attracts residents of the neighborhood to enjoy its culinary options every day. This is Plaza Castelli, a green lung in the middle of one of the most popular areas of the city , where residents frequently go to enjoy its classic restaurants and cafes.

The block is bordered by Juramento, Conde and Echeverría streets, and by the Mitre train tracks, where well-known brands have been installed over the last 10 years, with open-air proposals that expand towards the cobblestone street . In addition, “the premises that already existed were reconverted to give more beauty to the place and to be on par with the competition,” explains Jorge Gayoso, corporate retail broker for LJ Ramos. The area is also decorated with old mansions , which characterize the elegant Belgrano R, such as the Hirsch Palace, a Victorian-style construction that occupies a quarter of a block and is a historical heritage site.


Gastronomic hub: several commercial premises border Castelli Square Ricardo Pristupluk


Castelli Square is bordered by Juramento, Conde and Echeverría streets, and by the Mitre train tracks. Ricardo Pristupluk

“Currently, we can identify between 10 and 15 restaurants around the plaza that offer a wide range of culinary options,” says Patricio Gómez, from Century 21 Carrillo Ourens. There are indeed several brands present there: from Maru Botana, El Torreón, the Portico ice cream parlor, Tea Connection, to the American classic The Embers. “ The presence of these establishments not only meets the daily needs of residents, but also increases the attractiveness of the area for new buyers and investors. The combination of a quality educational offer, wellness options, and a wide range of shops once again consolidates Belgrano R as one of the most desirable areas to live in.”

The gyms, which offer functional training, yoga and pilates, complete the area's offerings. The Kel bookstore in the square, located on one of the corners, inside an old house, is also a classic in the neighborhood. The train tracks, meanwhile, encourage movement in the area , as they connect this tree-lined block, located in the outskirts of Belgrano, with the rest of the neighborhoods. “ The square is packed every day; that and the Mitre help people to frequent this gastronomic hub,” explains Gayoso.

It is also a place full of educational proposals , since only in the radius of influence of Plaza Castelli there are between five and seven schools, including kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. The gastronomic hub helps to further consolidate this coveted neighborhood , a prestige that is reflected in the values of the surrounding properties. “The average value per square meter in the properties near Plaza Castelli is between US$2,400 and US$2,900, depending on the type of property and its state of conservation. The high-end properties, located on the streets closest to the plaza, can reach values higher than US$3,700/m²,” says Gómez.


The renowned Kel bookstore, on Plaza Castelli, where the trendy gastronomic hub is located


Around Plaza Castelli there are between 10 and 15 gastronomic establishments

Gayoso points out that, today, the area no longer has much room for development, since it is a very consolidated residential area, “where practically nothing can be done at height.” However, he believes that from the train tracks to Avenida Crámer, “ there is a lot of potential for growth , where many new businesses and commercial premises have been built.”

One of the most sought after neighborhoods

Belgrano was a town, a city and even a capital for a short time, and today it has micro-zones that are gradually becoming more consolidated. It is made up of emblematic residential houses, towers, a thriving commercial area, the well-known Barrancas and the coveted Bajo Belgrano , the neighborhood that was ranked as the second most sought after for purchase by Mercado Libre, in a report for the first quarter of the year, and continues to grow with new projects.


Belgrano was ranked as the second most sought after for purchase by Mercado Libre in a report for the first quarter of the year


An important gastronomic hub has also been growing near the Barrancas de Belgrano PATRICIO PIDAL/AFV

Made up of an audience that values the connectivity offered by the neighborhood , the gastronomic and commercial offer, the possibility of exploring it on foot, today " there is a high demand for projects in Belgrano, both for young people who are just starting their family journey , as well as for adult couples who are downsizing, because their children have moved in alone," says Gabriela Goldszer, director of Ocampo Properties, and says that there are very varied projects , which sell from US$2,800/m² to US$7,000/m².

In addition to commercial proposals, the neighborhood continues to grow in real estate projects. From Belgrano R and C, to the Barrancas area, Bajo Belgrano, Las Cañitas and La Imprenta, new ventures are being consolidated. Belgrano, in fact, is the fourth neighborhood where the most square meters were presented in projects behind Palermo, Caballito and Villa Urquiza since 2002 , according to data from Reporte Inmobiliario from May 2024. "I can assure you that it continues to be one of the most attractive neighborhoods to develop and live in," says José Rozados, director of Reporte Inmobiliario . In fact, according to data from the latest census (2022), commune 13, made up of Belgrano , Núñez and Colegiales, is the one that concentrates the largest population in the city with 265,199 inhabitants.

In the case of Belgrano R, the area known for its cobblestone streets with embassies and old French and English style houses - located approximately between Crámer and Estomba streets, bordered by Monroe and Elcano avenues - and where Plaza Castelli is located , does not have many new proposals. As far as the construction of real estate projects is concerned, the area is limited by a very low FOT (a coefficient used to calculate how many saleable meters can be built on a lot), so it is only possible to build on large plots and very little within those lots. In addition , it is governed by the limit of a maximum height of four stories, in general , although it varies in some sub-zones. “The projects that are built are made for a public with high purchasing power and are medium to large sized units ,” explains Jorge Safar, commercial manager of Oppel Propiedades.

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