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Politics The UCR suspended the deputies who supported Javier Milei's veto of the retirement mobility law - Infobae

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The UCR suspended the deputies who supported Javier Milei's veto of the retirement mobility law - Infobae



September 16, 2024

They are being investigated by the Ethics Tribunal. During the process, their membership and party rights are suspended, so they cannot be in the bloc. The body will also investigate Reyes and Cipollini who were absent to vote.

By David Cayon


The meeting before the vote between the dissident radicals and President Javier Milei. The meeting facilitated the veto of the retirement mobility law

Mariano Campero, Martín Arjol, Luis Picat and Pablo Cervi were suspended by the party and will no longer be part of the Unión Cívica Radical bloc , at least while the investigation by the Ethics Tribunal lasts. The sanction comes as a consequence of their changes of position, since they first voted in favor of the retirement mobility law and then supported the veto of the norm by the president Javier Milei , against the mandate of the party.

This was the decision of the board of directors of the National Convention, headed by Gastón Manes and Hernán Rossi, who decided to suspend the party affiliation - and consequently the loss of party rights - of four of the five dissident legislators . The case of José Tournier - the fifth vote - is particular, since despite being part of the UCR bloc in the lower house, he does not have a membership card in the centennial party.

At this same meeting, the situation of Roxana Reyes and Gerardo Cipolini was also discussed , the two legislators of the bloc who, although they did not vote against the law, were absent during the debate.

The vote at the table was 11 to 1 to refer the six cases to the court . The only negative vote was from Andrés Lombardi (Mendoza), who belongs to the radical sector led by Alfredo Cornejo , the governor of the wine-producing province close to the Casa Rosada.

And it was approved by 10 votes against 2 to preventively suspend the 4 in the photo with Milei . Here the representative of Misiones joined Mendoza.

UCR deputies met with Milei at the Casa Rosada prior to the session on retirement mobility

The resolution states: “when the presidential veto was being discussed, four National Deputies affiliated with the Radical Civic Union and members of our Bloc deviated from what they themselves had maintained in the first vote and supported the presidential veto, incurring in serious partisan misconduct, and causing serious damage to the credibility and honor of our party. Even more serious were the arguments put forward during the session and in the media, to the effect that they had made a mistake in their calculations, and that their abrupt change of opinion was based on the need to guarantee fiscal balance,” it states.

They will now have to go through the party's Ethics Tribunal , which has three members: Alicia Tate from the province of Santa Fe, Juan Pedro Tunessi from Buenos Aires and Ricardo Barrios Arrechea from Misiones; they will be in charge of defining the final sanction for the radical deputies.

The rest of the bloc, meanwhile, had also expressed in writing, in a document, their anger towards the group of five dissident radicals.

“We, the deputies of the Unión Cívica Radical bloc, express our displeasure and rejection of the attitude adopted by five deputies who are members of our bloc, who broke a unanimous agreement and changed their vote to support the Government’s total veto of the pension law, thus causing damage to the credibility and ethics of their radical positions vis-à-vis the citizens,” states a fragment of the text signed by the other members of the space, Facundo Manes, Manuel Aguirre, Marcela Antola, Fernando Carbajal, Ana Carla Carrizo, Mariela Coletta, Marcela Coli, Pablo Juliano, Juan Carlos Polini, Jorge Rizzotti and Danya Tavela.
The statement of the Radical Convention, before the veto of the retirement mobility law
The National Congress had passed into law an increase in pensions. From the Executive Branch, President Javier Milei ordered the veto of the law, arguing that it would affect the basis of his economic policy, the fiscal surplus. In the midst of this discussion, the opposition blocs tried to insist on the imposition of the law to restore the pensions of retirees. For this ratification, two thirds of the total votes were needed, that is, the support of 162 deputies. Both the votes against and the absences were functional to the objective of the Government, which finally managed to veto the law.

This Sunday, during the presentation of the 2025 Budget before Congress, President Javier Milei proposed as a general rule for the sanction of laws that each initiative that implies a greater expenditure for the State include the source of financing for that purpose. In other words, each proposal that involves spending must clarify how it is paid.

"We are not kicking anyone out, they have left on their own," the party said in relation to the future of the radical deputies who supported President Milei's veto.