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Politics The UTA threatened a transport strike for next Monday the 8th in the AMBA - Infobae

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The UTA threatened a transport strike for next Monday the 8th in the AMBA - Infobae​



April 04, 2024

Through a statement, they assured that the union is declared “in a state of alert” and warned the population that the provision of the service may be affected.

The UTA warned that there could be a strike next Monday

The Automotive Tram Union (UTA) issued a statement in which it warned about the possibility of calling a transport strike for next Monday, April 8 in the region of the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area.

"Given the statements made by the representatives of the business sector that indicate non-compliance with the agreement signed by the parties on 02/02/2024 and that was approved on 12/19/2024, alleging not having sufficient funds to do so Due to technical decisions of the Ministry of Transportation, the UTA declares itself in a state of alert, warning the population that, if said non-compliance is verified starting next Monday, the 8th of this month, the normal provision of public service in the area of the AMBA ”, indicates the document signed by Roberto Fernández , general secretary of the union, which is a member of the CGT.

The statement refers to an agreement that had been signed with the chambers of companies in the sector.

On March 14, the news broke that the Government would settle the debt with the bus companies to prevent the union from carrying out the forceful measure. Likewise, he explained that these were payments corresponding to January and February. “The payment scheme was the one that was already established by national guidelines. That's what the cameras showed today. That total amount is not the Nation's debt,” they stated.

The UTA statement

In turn, the Ministry of Transportation also indicated that the Nation is not the only one responsible for the debt but that it also corresponds to the province of Buenos Aires.

In this regard, Franco Mogetta , secretary of this portfolio of the Nation, had indicated: “The meeting with the transport chambers ended. There was discussion about the payment scheme that the national state has with companies and regarding the salary obligation that the businessman has with his workers, which is independent of the disbursements made by the state. In turn, Transportation clarified the payment scheme it will make for the remainder of the month so that companies have predictability.”

For his part, Luciano Fusaro , the vice president of the Argentine Association of Automotive Transport Companies (AAETA), had reported on the matter: “The Government assured that it will do everything possible to deposit a part of the $50,278 million owed by tomorrow. But it was not clear to us if they were going to do it, it was not certain.”

The CGT will define the measure of force against the Government​

The General Confederation of Workers (CGT) assured that it will implement a measure of force against the government of President Javier Milei . However, it has not yet defined whether it will be a strike or a mobilization.

In a meeting that lasted almost three hours and was attended by more members, the union members debated the measure that will prevail to show their rejection of the national management.

Adrian Escandar

What is known is that they will hold a march on May 1 to commemorate Labor Day, as usual. For his part, Héctor Daer assured that " previously there will be activities that will be confirmed on Thursday the 11th at the Board of Directors meeting" in which the "modality of action" will be decided.

“It is not only a matter of layoffs, but we must fundamentally debate whether those who have nothing and are on the last step of life, the State has to leave them at their mercy,” he said in conversation with the press. And he asserted: “We believe that the State has to be efficient and articulate for those who need it and in development for our country.”