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Economy The UTA threatened Caputo that there could be strikes in AMBA because the bus drivers did not charge what was agreed upon - Infobae

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The UTA threatened Caputo that there could be strikes in AMBA because the bus drivers did not charge what was agreed upon - Infobae​



April 04, 2024

The union assured that the companies did not pay the agreed sums in joint terms for unpaid subsidies by the Ministry of Transportation and requested that the minister intervene to avoid “extreme measures.”


The UTA assures that the chambers of the sector raised talk about “economic reasons that they attribute to the decisions of the Ministry of Transportation.”
The Unión Tranviarios Automotor (UTA), the union that brings together bus drivers , sent a letter to the Minister of Economy Luis Caputo with a warning of possible “extreme measures” when considering that the companies failed to pay the full salary amounts. agreed in joint negotiations .

In that sense, a statement from the union led by Roberto Fernández mentioned that the chambers of the sector stated that they had this impossibility due to "economic reasons that they attribute to the decisions of the Ministry of Transportation ."

“Within the framework of the sector's joint negotiations, the new salary scale for workers was agreed with the Business Chambers of the AMBA, signatories of the Collective Agreement of the activity. Said agreement has been approved by the Ministry of Labor on February 19,” the union statement noted.

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"However, the business sector states that it cannot assume the payment of salaries for the month of March under the agreed conditions, due to economic reasons that they attribute to the decisions of the Ministry of Transportation. With this position of the business sector, our workers would be receiving a salary significantly lower than that received for the month of February ,” they warned from UTA.

“We have insistently requested the Secretary of Transportation, who is directly responsible for solving the problem raised, for his personal intervention, with the sole purpose of clarifying the situation and avoiding unnecessary conflicts between the State, the business sector and our workers,” they continued.

And in that sense, they asked Caputo to "instruct the Secretary of Transportation to order the business sector to respect the salary agreement document and, if there are technical reasons put forward by said party and that make the responsibility of the acting officials, the necessary measures are taken to solve them.”

Robert Fernandez, UTA (Luciano Gonzalez)

"As you are aware, salaries must be paid on the fourth business day of each month: your lack of payment in a timely manner prevents the Labor authority from issuing a mandatory conciliation, therefore, our union cannot be held responsible for "the consequences of a situation that corresponds to issues between the Secretary of Transportation and the business sector," they stated from the union.

"We understand that only through the due intervention of officials with jurisdiction in the area, it will be possible to solve the problems, in this case the Secretary of Transportation should convene all the parties involved and prevent extreme measures, not desired by the parties, affect the necessary social peace ,” they concluded.

A few weeks ago the Ministry of Transportation had decided to stop subsidizing 1,637 groups in the AMBA because it detected serious irregularities. “The State has distributed subsidies for 18,300 groups , but it was never controlled if this amount was the one that passed through the AMBA. “Clearly a non-existent offer was being subsidized ,” said Manuel Adorni when announcing the news, during the press conference that he offers daily at the Casa Rosada.

“This dismantles a faucet of waste and inefficiency that was very expensive for all of us: we will save $6.2 billion pesos per month ,” said the presidential spokesperson, who also announced that soon an attempt will be made to “ determine the actual journey that each unit takes.” to make the transportation service more efficient.”

According to Transportation, “a survey and analysis of each bus unit that it subsidizes in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires is being carried out, by implementing a measure that links the SUBE validator that each unit carries with the patent or domain of the bus.”

They assure that "in this way, a more precise inspection is possible in relation to the route taken by each unit, being more efficient in the recognition of costs."

At the Casa Rosada they reported that since 2018 there has been no control of the number of buses that circulate in the AMBA and that since that year the distribution of subsidies has been contemplated with a mobile fleet of 18,300 buses, for 9 million users. That is why between the 5 chambers - AAETA, CEAP, CETUBA, CTPBA and CEUTUPBA - and national officials have been discussing the amount owed by the State for the last two months.