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Real Estate News There have already been more than 250,000 inquiries about mortgage credit lines: What type of apartments generate the most interest - Infobae



There have already been more than 250,000 inquiries about mortgage credit lines: What type of apartments generate the most interest - Infobae



May 20, 2024

Both in CABA, GBA, Rosario and La Plata and in other districts there is great expectation. It is estimated that the first credits will be delivered in 40 days

By José Luis Cieri


Real estate agencies are betting that those who have enough savings to cover at least 25% of the cost of the home, including down payment and additional expenses, will take advantage of the opportunity prices to purchase properties (Photo: Pixabay)

The launch of mortgage credit lines had a notable response from the public. The 13 financial entities that started them received more than 250,000 queries in the 3 weeks since the first announcement.

From the Mortgage Bank, for example, they confirmed that they already have 41,000 people and families registered in the prequalification stage

After five years in which there was practically none, the return of housing credit revived the hope of thousands of people and families who aspire to own their own home or to expand or renovate it.

At Banco Supervielle, visits to the page with credit information exceeded 100,000 in the first week and requests remain constant, with more than 6,000 queries. At Banco Ciudad, more than 13,000 forms were completed and 4,000 in-person visits were recorded.

The first

It is estimated that the first loans could be delivered in about 40 days, once the previous steps are completed and the bank approves the disbursement for the purchase, expansion or consultation of the property to which the borrower is targeting.

Iván Ginevra , president of the Argentine Real Estate Chamber, told Infobae that the reintroduction of mortgage credit arouses great interest in the sector. Despite the high inflation and devaluation of recent periods and the current macroeconomic challenge, Ginevra considered that the real estate market will not be harmed due to the nature of the financing, indexed by inflation, and the upward trend of other economic assets.

Both in CABA, as well as in the province of Buenos Aires and Rosario, among other districts, homes have decreased by almost 50% since 2018 and only this year did a slight recovery in contributions begin.

In real estate agencies, they bet that people with savings who can do so, allocate the largest amount possible (at least between advance payment and commission expenses, deed and mortgage, they need to have 25% of the cost of the home) and request what they want. It is necessary to buy apartments, townhouses or houses today at an opportunity price.


It is estimated that the first homes sold through mortgage loans will be those with a price of up to USD 100,000 in Argentina

Ginevra commented that “despite the macroeconomic disasters, properties are at minimum prices and it is the ideal time to capitalize.”

He added that, with the expected recovery in property values and the financial support available, it is a good time to invest.

Which homes are most sought after

From the sector they confirmed that the greatest interest is focused on used homes.

Mariano García Malbrán , president of the Chamber of Real Estate Services Companies, indicated that the greatest demand is for two- and three-bedroom apartments. “The profitability they provide for residential rentals improved after the Rental Law was repealed. And we also expect great demand in the Buenos Aires Microcenter for purchases with mortgage loans with a preferential rate in accordance with the Move to Microcenter plan ,” he told Infobae .

Specialists estimate that there was a 35% year-on-year increase in demand, both in inquiries and in reservations and sales. “We hope that with the arrival of mortgage loans, this trend will continue to grow,” commented García Malbrán. Regarding what type of homes will be marketed most in CABA and in the province of Buenos Aires, he pointed out: “they will be those that have a value equal to or less than 100,000 dollars; “Most of the potential mortgage clients will be in that price range.”

At these values, in the province of Buenos Aires buyers could purchase apartments with up to three rooms or small houses or townhouses. In the city of Buenos Aires, they could opt for apartments with up to two rooms in central areas or a PH in more remote areas, such as Villa Lugano.

Up to $80,000

In Rosario, there was a marked increase in the demand for housing, especially in the apartment segment. The level of consultations, visits and proposals increased considerably, with value ranges between USD 40,000 and USD 80,000 since the launch of mortgage loans.


In Rosario, demand drives consultations for two and three-room houses and three-room houses.

Two-room units are the most in demand due to a resurgence of buyers with previous savings in dollars, who consider that it is a good time to transform their dollars into new, modern and well-located properties.

Diego Ferreyra , of Diego Ferreyra Real Estate and member of the College of Real Estate Brokers of Rosario, pointed out that “there is an effervescence but segmented in certain types of properties, especially in three-room units, which are the most consulted due to the effect of suitable mortgage credit .

So far, demand is focused on three- and four-bedroom apartments. However, as it is a recent phenomenon, inquiries will expand to the housing segment. “Today it is more convenient to buy an already built house than one to be built from scratch, due to the increase in construction costs,” observed Ferreyra.

Regarding purchase and sale prices, 2-room apartments range between USD 55,000 and USD 65,000, while 3-room apartments vary between USD 70,000 and USD 90,000; Regarding 3-room houses, values start at $80,000.

“People's main doubts have to do with the mechanism for obtaining the dollars once the credit is approved, given the current exchange rate in force,” Ferreyra explained.

Along the Diagonals

In La Plata, there is an intense movement in the search for homes, especially in the price range of USD 25,000 to USD 55,000. Used apartments or PHs, some to be renovated, are being demanded by both small investors looking to resell and by those interested in purchasing their own home.


The drop in prices and the perception that they have reached their bottom have generated opportunities that many do not want to miss, argue from the sector in La Plata and other Buenos Aires cities.

Mirta Líbera , president of the Real Estate Chamber of the province of Buenos Aires, explained that the emergence of credit can further activate demand and have an impact on prices, especially if a certain stability of the dollar is maintained. “There is also a search for houses; The illusion of the terrain and green spaces are always present. This generally occurs in a range of USD 70,000 to USD 120,000.

In the City of Diagonals, prices in the brand new apartment sector have not yet adjusted to the reality of costs and some maintain low prices in comparison.

“Surely, the construction costs will become clear in a short time,” added Líbera.

In addition, he highlighted a slight enthusiasm for the possibility of credits, although he indicated that this is still only possible for a range of people with higher incomes.

In used apartments in good condition and of a medium standard level, two-bedroom units are offered for approximately USD 40,000 to USD 55,000, and two-bedroom units for approximately USD 50,000 to USD 60,000.

″As more financing options are added from different entities, conditions will improve, further boosting the real estate market,” concluded Líbera.
