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Politics They displaced an official from Chaco who wanted to take official documentation and is now being investigated by Justice - Infobae

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They displaced an official from Chaco who wanted to take official documentation and is now being investigated by Justice - Infobae​



May 31, 2024

The woman was appointed during Jorge Capitanich's administration. Everything arose after a request for information from her superior due to a series of irregularities detected.

The documentation that the official tried to take (Diario TAG)

An official from the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Technology of Chaco was found during the day on Thursday when she was taking key documentation from the agency's building. She was appointed during Jorge Capitanich 's administration and is being investigated by Justice.

The woman was identified as Susana Lencina , Director of Administration, who was on leave, which increased suspicions of her presence in the agency building.

The woman was loading the documentation into her private car, a Ford Ecosport , when the provincial police arrived at the scene. There, they met with the Undersecretary of Budgetary and Financial Coordination, José Calvaca , and with the head of the portfolio, Sofía Naidenoff.

Calvaca told the officers that he did not know if the papers belonged to Lencina or if they were property of the Ministry, so the officers ordered that the documentation remain in the building.

In that sense, Naidenoff commented that it all started with a request for information made by Cavalca about some irregularities detected in the allocation of travel expenses and identity falsification. In turn, he specified that a purchase not authorized by the undersecretary was identified and that it was carried out anyway, according to what local media Diario TAG learned . “When the issue comes to me, I do not accept that type of purchase and I reject it,” added the minister.

The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Technology of Chaco

In this regard, he mentioned: "When there is summary information in Education, the person is separated from the position in order to be able to do the entire route and gather all the documentation required for the defense of the person being investigated."

The Police asked Lencina to open his vehicle and, upon searching, they found 12 boxes of various sizes with documentation. For this reason, the agents drew up a report and asked the woman to leave her key to the building. Assistant prosecutor Roberto Giménez , from Prosecutor's Office No. 15, intervened in the case .

The woman came to management in 2018, under the administration of Jorge Capitanich, when she was appointed to her position by a signed decree. “She was named without having participated in any contest,” said Naidenoff.

The corruption case in Chaco​

Shortly after Leandro Zdero took over management in Chaco, they reported a case of “ megacorruption ” at the Institute of Family Agriculture and Popular Economy (IAFEP) . The presentation was in the hands of the organization's auditor Clelia Ávila .

It was after receiving more than 400 complaints from beneficiaries who were defrauded by social leaders during Capitanich's administration. “There was discretionary and arbitrary management of economic resources and social foundations were the tool that facilitated the crime,” Ávila said at a press conference. The suspicions involve the former president of the IAFEP, Mauro Andión , “the main person responsible for the mismanagement,” according to the provincial official.

The former governor of Chaco, Jorge Capitanich
In dialogue with Infobae, Ávila explained: “The complaints are basically because people were registered as possible beneficiaries, but later, without knowing the reasons, they ended up excluding them to benefit others. They claim that the homes that were meant for them finally ended up in the hands of the relatives of leaders of social organizations.”

Likewise, the complaint describes irregularities in the constitution of the beneficiary foundations, favoritism with social leaders for the designation of works and the absence of control thereof. According to Ávila, the IAFEP during 2023 “had a budget of $16,000 million, of which $15,000 million went to social organizations.”

In that sense, he revealed an example of the irregularities. “In one of the cases that we reported, where a shed should have been built with public funds, the construction inspectors found a multipurpose room with a barbecue area and a pool.”