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Economy They freed the import of basic products and medicines: how the system will work and what taxes are suspended - Infobae

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They freed the import of basic products and medicines: how the system will work and what taxes are suspended -Infobae​



March 12, 2024

The BCRA will reduce the payment period for imports of food, beverages and cleaning, care and personal hygiene products. In addition, the collection of additional VAT and income tax on imports of these products is suspended for 120 days.

"This measure will encourage the import of basic basket products whose price in the local market is higher than the international price," said the Government.

This morning the Government announced that it will open imports of basic basket products. And later it was learned that it also included medications.

As officially reported, the measure is taken “to improve competition and support the decline in inflation in basic basket products and medicines.” Strictly speaking, it is a measure with which the Government aims to stop price increases.

“It is not an immediate process, but it is a clear message to a concentrated industry, such as the food industry. And in almost all areas. It is a clear message from the Government. This points to the basics, to the commodities of the chain, and the rest goes down the chain,” explained an industry source.

Yesterday, Minister Luis Caputo met with the large supermarket chains.

The keys to the ad​

  • The BCRA will reduce the payment period for imports of food, beverages and cleaning, care and personal hygiene products: they will go from a payment scheme in 4 installments at 30, 60, 90 and 120 days to a payment period in a single installment after 30 days.
  • It was determined to suspend, for a period of 120 days, the collection of additional VAT and income tax on imports of these products and medicines.
  • This measure will encourage the import of basic basket products whose price in the local market is higher than the international price, which will contribute to greater competition and, consequently, a drop in inflation and the price level of these products. .
  • Among the main products benefited are: banana, potatoes, pork, coffee, tuna, cocoa products, insecticides, shampoos, diapers, among many other products.

This morning, the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni , had advanced the measure that, he said, arose after a meeting between Caputo and representatives of the supermarket chains.

Manuel Adorni referred to Caputo's meeting with supermarket businessmen
“At the meeting, the businessmen recognized a price increase above the inflation expectation and of course that the scenario that the businessmen had evaluated was catastrophic, something that has not happened,” the official introduced.

"We understand that the economy is gradually normalizing and along these lines the decision has been made to definitively open imports of certain products in the family basket in order to make prices more competitive for the benefit of families and consumers. Argentines,” Adorni reported.

The official added that there will be “some tax relief” on imported products to help correct prices.

Representatives from the Cencosud, Coto, La Anónima, Carrefour, Chango Más and Día chains participated in yesterday's meeting . Caputo attended with his Secretary of Industry and Productive Development Juan Pazo , Secretary of Commerce Pablo Lavigne and advisor Martín Vauthier. As a few days ago before CEOs of mass consumption companies, the minister defended his economic roadmap, ruled out a devaluation and said that political "up and downs" will not change the zero deficit objective .

“Caputo explained that the economic program is being strictly followed , based on fiscal balance and the recomposition of the Central Bank's balance sheet. He added that lowering inflation was the priority to be able to stabilize the economy, and thus begin a growth cycle that allows for lower taxes,” Infobae detailed this morning, citing sources from the Ministry of Economy.

There was also time for complaints. “The minister also placed particular emphasis on the fact that the prices of mass consumption products do not reflect the new economic reality today . In this sense, alternatives were debated to combat the excessive increase in prices and thus protect consumers,” indicated from Economía.