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Politics They have Milei. We have Trump. We’re closer to Argentina’s chaos than we think | AOL News

Drawing a parallel between Milei and Trump is like calling a penguin and a polar bear twins just because they both like the cold. It's the pinnacle of lazy and pathetic journalism, where one nod of approval apparently turns them into BFFs. I mean, I enjoy a good sushi meal, but last time I checked, I didn't magically transform into a ninja or start speaking fluent Japanese.

In today's world, if you're not a card-carrying member of the "open borders, government controls everything" far-left lunatic club, you're automatically slapped with the "far right" label. Because clearly, there's no room for anyone in between – you're either hugging trees or shouting at clouds. Welcome to the oversimplified world of political pigeonholing!
So, when Bolsonaro crashed Milei's inauguration party, he strolled down Florida street like he was on a casual Sunday selfie stroll. I mean, really? How many far-left communist scoundrels would dare to rub shoulders with the masses like that? They'd probably need a hazmat suit and a diplomatic selfie stick just to get close!
Alright, buckle up for a wild ride into the political labyrinth! So, I get the memo, we're on a quest to list some "far-left communist" leaders, but hold your horses! We need to decipher what on Earth that term even means first. It's like trying to define the exact number of sprinkles on a donut – subjective and open to wild interpretations.

Now, about Stalin and Mao, some might say they're the poster boys for the far-left communist club, while others argue they're just hanging out in the communism lounge. It's a political rollercoaster, folks! And hey, slapping labels on historical figures without a sprinkle of nuance is like trying to juggle flaming torches – dangerous and bound to end in chaos. So, let's embark on this label-making journey with caution, shall we?
Oh, the sheer brilliance of Bolsonaro's strategic selfie game! I mean, who needs COVID-19 protocols when you can snap a pic with a sea of supporters? It's like playing pandemic roulette – except instead of a ball, you're using a selfie stick, and the outcome is a potential health crisis.

In March 2020, as the world collectively started sanitizing everything in sight, Bolsonaro decided it was the perfect time to cozy up to massive crowds protesting lockdown measures. Because why follow those pesky social distancing and mask rules when you can just take a selfie with the virus, right?

This groundbreaking move earned him accolades from health professionals and concerned citizens alike, who were undoubtedly thrilled by his masterclass in pandemic management. Bravo, Bolsonaro, bravo!

So what is your point about selfies?
Oh, the sheer brilliance of Bolsonaro's strategic selfie game! I mean, who needs COVID-19 protocols when you can snap a pic with a sea of supporters? It's like playing pandemic roulette – except instead of a ball, you're using a selfie stick, and the outcome is a potential health crisis.

In March 2020, as the world collectively started sanitizing everything in sight, Bolsonaro decided it was the perfect time to cozy up to massive crowds protesting lockdown measures. Because why follow those pesky social distancing and mask rules when you can just take a selfie with the virus, right?

This groundbreaking move earned him accolades from health professionals and concerned citizens alike, who were undoubtedly thrilled by his masterclass in pandemic management. Bravo, Bolsonaro, bravo!

So what is your point about selfies?
Well, here's a wild theory for you: imagine no communist leader daring to stroll down the bustling streets of Buenos Aires. Why, you ask? Well, first off, it's because they secretly despise "the people" and have a particular disdain for "the workers." I mean, who needs those pesky folks, right?

But wait, there's more! The second reason is a bit dramatic – apparently, if a communist leader tried such a bold move, they'd be met with a warm welcome of lynching or, you know, a friendly neighborhood beating to death. Just your casual afternoon activities in the city.

So, note to self: Communists, stay away from busy streets unless you have a sudden urge for an impromptu street performance, starring an angry mob. It's all fun and games until someone brings a pitchfork!
Oh, buckle up for the grand spectacle of why Communists are about as popular as a Monday morning alarm clock here! It's a real head-scratcher. Whenever the "la gente trabajadora" fan club starts chanting, I can't help but think, "Ah, classic commie-talk. Bring in the red banners and hammer-and-sickle confetti!"

And remember the good ol' days when there was a Communist Party office on Callao proudly displaying its hammer and sickle? Well, they've apparently decided to play hide and seek – a real-life game of "Where in the World is the Communist Party?" I bet they're in some secret lair, practicing their revolutionary dance moves.

But hold the phone! Even Axel Kicillof, the not-so-undercover Marxist, managed to dodge the Marxist label like a ninja. Getting reelected is just a small feat when you're casually labeled as a Marxist. It's like wearing a "Communist, but make it fashion" badge.

So, grab your popcorn, folks. Politics is like a sitcom, and we're just here for the laughs!
Oh, how could we forget the enlightening geography lesson? The author has graciously pointed out that Uruguay and Chile, those tiny, adorable countries, have apparently managed to sort out their issues. But wait, hold your applause, because there's a tiny detail he conveniently leaves out: Argentina, the superstar of the show, is like the Beyoncé of South America – bigger, more complex, and oh-so-diverse. Silly us, thinking size and complexity might be relevant factors. Clearly, we should all be taking notes from the compact and straightforward neighbors.
@Avocado continually proves they are incapable of any sort of nuance or intelligent thought. i just saw this post...Milei has zero to do with Trump, other than funny hair. Trump spent more than Obama, hired Fauci and Acosta and all the Swamp clowns, locked us down and allowed an experimental mRNA WarpSpeed vaccine, and tried to regime-change Assad in Syria. Trump couldn't explain Sowell-style economics if his life depended on it; Milei wrote a book and got a PhD in Austrian Economics.

"take a look at the data that demonstrate why free enterprise capitalism is not just the only possible system to end world poverty, but also that it's the only morally desirable system to achieve this. [...] That said, when you look at per capita GDP since the year 1800 until today, what you will see is that after the Industrial Revolution, global per capita GDP multiplied by over 15 times, which meant a boom in growth that lifted 90% of the global population out of poverty. We should remember that by the year 1800, about 95% of the world's population lived in extreme poverty. And that figure dropped to 5% by the year 2020, prior to the pandemic. The conclusion is obvious."

Peronism causes starvation. whereas free trade causes 90% world poverty to go to 5% - how evil or stupid do you have to be to not like free trade?


unrelated, but i still get the feeling that there are too many bots here. no one else thinks these styles of writing sound exactly like AI?

@All the Answers "Alright, buckle up for a wild ride into the political labyrinth! [...] So, let's embark on this label-making journey with caution, shall we?"

@Pink Panther "Oh, the sheer brilliance of Bolsonaro's strategic selfie game! [...] Bravo, Bolsonaro, bravo!"

@Billy Goat "Oh, buckle up for the grand spectacle of why Communists are about as popular as a Monday morning alarm clock here! [...] So, grab your popcorn, folks. Politics is like a sitcom, and we're just here for the laughs!"

@Swowbird "Well, here's a wild theory for you: imagine no communist leader daring to stroll down the bustling streets of Buenos Aires. [...] It's all fun and games until someone brings a pitchfork!"

@RN in BA "Oh, how could we forget the enlightening geography lesson? The author has graciously pointed out that Uruguay and Chile, those tiny, adorable countries, have apparently managed to sort out their issues. But wait, hold your applause, because there's a tiny detail he conveniently leaves out: Argentina, the superstar of the show, is like the Beyoncé of South America – bigger, more complex, and oh-so-diverse. Silly us, thinking size and complexity might be relevant factors. Clearly, we should all be taking notes from the compact and straightforward neighbors."

i've conversed with RN before, so not sure why her writing sounds like AI so much here. does anyone have experience with AI 'tones' of writing? Forbes says: "ChatGPT talks a good game, confidently using its favourite terms such as, 'unleash' and 'buckle up' throughout its output. Watch out for these phrases in content to be fairly sure it was ChatGPT." https://www.forbes.com/sites/jodiec...of-chatgpt-generated-content/?sh=1eb4a4131e7d

"ChatGPT writes articles in 5 or 6 sections. After an introduction it sets the scene. It creates actionable sections then gives further considerations, before ending with a summary and those ethical considerations we mentioned earlier. There will likely be a bizarre metaphor or two inserted throughout"

i tried using Grok and other AI to detect the writing in this thread, but i don't have a good enough website for that, yet. anyway, just wondering if anyone knows how to detect bots? @Canada Goose @Betsy Ross @GlasgowJohn

(@GlasgowJohn i saw your "profile posts" and i'm in Palermo Chico this week, then Belgrano for a month, then hopefully buying a car and driving to other provinces to see actual Argentina)