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Politics They raided picketers in a case for extortion of beneficiaries of social plans - Infobae

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They raided picketers in a case for extortion of beneficiaries of social plans - Infobae​



May 13, 2024

The judicial proceedings target leaders of the Polo Obrero and other organizations, within the framework of a case that investigates complaints made on line 134 enabled by the Ministry of Security. The serious maneuvers that are being investigated

By Facundo Chaves


The Polo Obrero is one of the picketing organizations that were denounced

Piqueteros leaders and militants are investigated by the Federal Justice accused of extorting beneficiaries of social plans to participate in street demonstrations and sell to the public food and products distributed by programs run by the former Ministry of Social Development. The actions arose from testimonies given by the victims to line 134 that the Government enabled.

As Infobae learned from official sources, there are orders for 27 raids in the case . This is the result of judicial investigations that began following a presentation to the Ministry of Security, led by Patricia Bullrich. Among the accused are, among others, Jeremías Canteros, Elizabeth Palma and three other leaders with the last names Puppo, Delgado and Vásquez, who make up the Polo Obrero and other picket groups that managed soup kitchens.


The Minister of Security of Argentina, Patricia Bullrich, in an archive photograph. EFE/Juan Ignacio Roncoroni

Chamber I of the Federal Criminal and Correctional Chamber confirmed a search request and the intervention of telephone lines of several defendants for the crime of extortion. According to the proceedings to which Infobae had access , the accused “would have coercively demanded that the beneficiaries of social plans participate in marches and public demonstrations and/or deliver a portion of the money , under the express warning in some cases of ' cancel the plan ', making up a total of 924 cases.”

According to the investigation of the case, which was in charge of prosecutor Gerardo Pollicita, “sufficient elements of conviction were gathered to summon 28 people and carry out 27 raids - belonging to the private homes of those requested; soup kitchen headquarters: Rivadavia I, La Carbonilla, Mariano Ferreyra, Kuña Guapa and Caminos de Tiza, warehouses, offices, premises of related social organizations and cooperatives - all of this in order to proceed with the arrest of the accused to guarantee their appearance, seize the proceeds of crime and collect evidentiary elements such as attendance sheets for mobilizations or cellular devices .”

“From the interventions carried out, it was clear that the activities of the accused were in turn aimed at channeling illicit funds from extortion through “cooperatives”, with the final destination of that money unknown, which is why they requested the lifting of the fiscal and banking secrecy of the 28 people required in order to have a global overview of their assets, in order to determine whether they obtained an economic return as a result of the acts of coercion and extortion investigated," established the decision signed last week by the Room I of the Chamber.

For the court, “it is of particular importance to achieve the seizure of the electronic devices that belong to the accused, since the majority of the coercive and extortionate demands were transmitted there, as well as forms or notebooks of attendance or payment records. ; documentation linked to social plans, the operation of each Certification Unit or with legal entities that function as cooperatives or civil associations; proof of payment of capitation, fees, rent or merchandise; bank cards or cash withdrawal receipts.”

Last week the picketers went to the Quinta de Olivos and the anti-picket protocol was activated

A fight in the background​

The Government, from the beginning of the administration, implemented a policy of strong confrontation with the social organizations that had been intermediating in the distribution and management of social assistance. That dispute crystallized in a protocol drafted by the Ministry of Security to avoid traffic cuts and in a change in the way the plans were managed, which was implemented by the Ministry of Human Capital, without the participation of picketers.

Social organizations have been holding street demonstrations periodically, without achieving, until now, changes in the policy activated by the national administration.