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Politics They reached an agreement in Misiones and the police lifted the protest after days of tension - Infobae

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They reached an agreement in Misiones and the police lifted the protest after days of tension - Infobae​



May 29, 2024

The announcement was made by the spokesperson for the security agents, Ramón Amarilla. Thus, the provincial government put an end to more than 10 days of tension in Posadas

By Juan A. Bracco

Ramón Amarilla was the one who communicated the bases of the agreement reached with the provincial government
After days of tension in Misiones , the provincial government and the Police reached a salary agreement, which is why the protest that took place at the headquarters of the Radioelectric Command in Posadas was lifted. The parties met late on Tuesday at Police Headquarters. And they agreed on the conditions to end the protest that began 12 days ago.

The agreement included a salary improvement, an amnesty that leaves aside administrative sanctions for the active agents who participated in the movement and the recognition of a Dialogue Table with the power of equality between representatives of the force and the Government.

There will be an improvement in assets for May and another starting in June. “It was not what was intended. But we understand that it is a guideline to be able to resume and, in a phased manner, improve, ” stated Ramón Amarilla, one of the spokespersons for the protesters, at the end of the conclave during the early hours of the morning. The claim began with the proposal to bring an agent's income to $830,000, equivalent to a family basket.

The next meeting between the missionary government and the police representation will take place between June 8 and 15. The agreed increase amounts to $15,521.27 in the basic amount . Early in the morning, the Chief of Police, Sandro Martínez, specified that an agent will earn an initial payment of $620,000 . “The Misiones Police will be one of the best paid in the country,” he stressed.

The area where the Radioelectric Command headquarters is located regained tranquility after two weeks of protests (Photo: Infobae)

The sanctions with releases, transfers and summary reports to active personnel who participated in the protest will be void . Official sources revealed that it was “a conciliation in which both the government, which always fought for peace, and the police force won.”

Among the stationed police officers, there were also retired agents who also demanded an increase in their salaries . For this reason, the missionary Executive resolved that the increase granted to current police officers will reach officers who no longer serve in the same month and any difference will be paid as a supplement in June.

The area where the Radioelectric Command headquarters is located regained tranquility after two weeks of protests (Photo: Infobae)

The sanctions with releases, transfers and summary reports to active personnel who participated in the protest will be void . Official sources revealed that it was “a conciliation in which both the government, which always fought for peace, and the police force won.”

Among the stationed police officers, there were also retired agents who also demanded an increase in their salaries . For this reason, the missionary Executive resolved that the increase granted to current police officers will reach officers who no longer serve in the same month and any difference will be paid as a supplement in June.

The statement from the Chief of Police, Sandro Martinez, and the Staff of the institution
“What we signed marks a before and after,” said Amarilla, referring to the agreement as “historic.” Representing the government of Misiones, the Cabinet coordinator, Héctor Llera , participated in the meeting ; the Minister of Finance, Adolfo Safrán ; the Chief of Police, Sandro Martínez ; and the general warden, Alicia Mereles .

Amarilla was the one who reported at 11:20 on Tuesday that they had been called to a meeting at the police headquarters. It was “ a very good proposal ”, he anticipated. The announcement provoked a reaction of joy among those present. Amarilla asked for calm and to put aside successism .

In the meeting, which began at around 11:30 p.m., delegates from the entire force participated, as well as the spokespersons. The announcement of the understanding took place in the early hours of Wednesday .

Uruguay Avenue is now completely clear (Photo: Infobae)
During the afternoon, both parties had promoted a rapprochement. But the efforts foundered. There was talk of failures in links and a “broken telephone” to explain the fall of an understanding that was seen within reach.

If this agreement was possible, it is thanks to the silent and patient work of Commissioner Mario Gentile, Police negotiator and the only link between the Government and the police that remained firm even in the worst circumstances.


The agreement between the Government and the Misiones police

A 12 day conflict​

It all started during the early hours of Friday, May 17, when about 100 police officers barricaded themselves in the barracks, burned tires in the vicinity and turned on the sirens, waking up the neighbors. As the hours and days passed, the tension escalated.

At first, there were pot-banging and picketing , but then the protest measure gained more strength and gained more support, since teachers and health personnel joined the demands, with roadblocks and demonstrations. In fact, health workers took over the Ministry headquarters.

Once the conflict began, the national government formed a crisis committee to address this situation, while the Province warned of severe sanctions on the police officers who were part of the force measure. In that sense, the Minister of the Government of Misiones, Marcelo Pérez, assured that “the uprising is inadmissible”, which is why he had indicated that the agents who participated in the protests would be made available or discharged from service. However, after several failed agreements, both parties agreed that the disciplinary measures ordered would be reversed

This is how they raised the protest that lasted 13 days (Photo: El Territorio)

One of the last episodes of tension occurred during the early hours of Monday, when four of the patrol cars held by the police who were protesting against the Missionary Government left in a caravan, with their sirens and lights on. Their objective was to take over the Misiones Police Headquarters.

In a video that the protesters themselves circulated, the vehicles march above the mandapeatón (a section of street converted into a sidewalk) that is in front of the Government House of Misiones, located about 7 minutes by car from the Command. Radioelectric , basis of the protest.

On that journey, a detonation is clearly heard . The protesters said upon returning to the camp that it was one of the rockets they usually throw. Government sources assure that it was a shot that tried to intimidate the authorities. Amarilla had to intervene to convince the group that left last night from the camp to the center not to attempt a violent entry into the Headquarters.