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Politics Those in charge of the Automotive Registries resist the changes and presented a wave of lawsuits throughout the country - Infobae

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Those in charge of the Automotive Registries resist the changes and presented a wave of lawsuits throughout the country - Infobae​



May 13, 2024

They demand that the Government's decision to suspend increases in their income be annulled. There are protections in the city of Buenos Aires, in Córdoba, and in several northern provinces

By Nicolas Pizzi

There are more than 1500 records throughout the country

The successive announcements by the Government about the operation of the Automotive Registries broke the bridges of dialogue and led to a judicial battle. In recent days, dozens of injunctions have been filed throughout the country. The presentations seek to modify the official decision to stop the increases that had been granted in mid-April. As Infobae learned from sources in the sector, there were already protections in the city of Buenos Aires, in La Plata, in Córdoba, and in several northern provinces.

The wave of demands points to a specific resolution by Justice Minister Mariano Cúneo Libarona, signed on April 16, which reversed the increases that had been granted just a few hours before. There were actually two resolutions. On the one hand, the minister canceled the increase in forms, which had already increased in January of this year. And he also froze the income received by those in charge of records, technically known as “emoluments.” The latter had been stopped since October of last year.

As this media had reported, those in charge of the Registries decided to go to court. The kick-off was given by the Argentine Association of Automotive Property Registries Managers (AAERPA), which presented an injunction with the signature of 77 registry managers and auditors from across the country. This presentation aims to declare “the nullity of Resolution 2024-133-APN-MJ”, and to restore the resolution that had granted the increases. But it also points to a quarterly update of the CPI index , as several service companies have been implementing.

“I request that VS arrange for the quarterly update of the scale of emoluments based on the CPI index as of April 12, 2024, since the previous omission was repaired, at least partially, by Resolution No. 2024--122- APN-MJ, left without effect by Resolution No. 2024--133- 2024-APN-MJ, which is challenged within the period provided for in Law 16,986," says the lawsuit sponsored by Alberto Manuel García Lema and Tomás A. García Motto.

They demand that the Government's decision to suspend increases in their income be annulled

That presentation was replicated in several jurisdictions, with individual and collective presentations. “There are presentations in La Plata, in Córdoba, and in several northern provinces. More than 200 registries signed lawsuits. Some go against official resolutions and others present documentation and record numbers to request an update of income,” explained a source familiar with the legal strategist.

The battle for the increases was activated after the Government announced, ten days ago, the closure of 40% of the registries, the reduction of staff at the Automotive Registration Directorate, and the elimination of the blue card, among other measures. Since then, the dialogue broke down and the union hardened its speech. “ Cooperating entities, Sugit-Sucerp, e-payments, line officials of the Ministry of Justice and above all the officials of the enforcement agency, have not made the political authorities see the path of implosion to which they are taking us ,” he says. a statement from AAERPA signed by its head, Alejandro Germano, and by all the interior delegates.

Cuneo Libarona executed the official Government plan to reduce automobile registrations

Aside from the judicial actions, the Government's plan to reduce the records system to the maximum triggered resignations of several managers and dismissals of personnel. “Most resignations are not accepted because no one wants to take a record under these conditions,” explained a union source. “Obviously the quality of the service deteriorates day by day and the danger of crime entering the activity is growing and is around the corner. In the midst of this, a campaign to discredit the activity promoted by the authorities was unleashed. Calling the registration system “corrupt” does nothing more than delegitimize the work that all the actors in the activity do every day,” the entity complained these days.

As soon as he took office, Javier Milei's government aimed at a deep digitalization of all the procedures carried out in the registries . The changes appear in the DNU that deregulates the economy. There are 13 articles that modify articles and subsections of a 1958 decree that was later ratified by a 1997 law, during the government of Carlos Menem, which regulates the automotive legal regime.

Then, the Government launched an audit of 141 records that had already been intervened . In that list there are 42 records from the province of Buenos Aires, 13 from the City of Buenos Aires, 10 from Córdoba, 10 from Entre Ríos, 6 from Chaco, among others.

The final blow occurred ten days ago, with an official statement. The main measure aims to close 40% of Automotive Registries , starting with those that have been intervened for more than 2 years. “Why don't we start with the interveners appointed in the last two years, during the government of Alberto Fernández?, one of those affected complained to this medium.

This Monday the Government made official through the Official Gazette two other expected measures: the repeal of the blue card and the decision that the green card does not expire . “The previously issued green cards that contain an expiration date in their physical format, as well as the blue cards already issued, will remain valid until they are revoked by the applicant,” clarifies the resolution published this morning.