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Newcomer Tips for Traveling with a Service Dog from Argentina to Brazil


New member
Hi everyone! I'm looking for some advice on traveling with my service dog from Argentina to Brazil at the end of August. Has anyone done this before? I need to find a veterinarian who can provide a CVI and a dog passport, along with any required vaccinations. Can anyone recommend a SENASA-certified vet in Recoleta? If they speak English, that would be a bonus. Thanks in advance!
Remember that Brazil is considered a "high rabies" country by the CDC. If you plan to travel to the US or many Western European countries within six months of being in Brazil, you might face additional requirements. You could need to show extra titer blood tests or arrive at designated airports.
Hello! You can find all the information and requirements on the SENASA website. Here’s the link:

@RogerK i haven't done this part yet (only have brought a dog into Argentina from the USA), but i would definitely consider changing plans as @milo mentioned - the USA CDC just changed 01Aug2024 the list of countries and requirements with High-Risk-of-Rabies stuff. i am only considering taking my dog to Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina right now, since all the other nearby countries will "flag" my dog as at risk of Rabies for several months. i want to be able to return to the USA, or go somewhere else, without having this limitation possibly messing with my plans.

this blog by @Nomadoggo covers the process USA->Argentina with a Service Dog, but i think you might be the first person doing this Argentina->Brazil on this forum. for sure starting at a good SENASA-qualified Veterinarian near you will be the best bet, as they probably do this stuff all the time. the only thing to watch for is the lack of info on SENASA/Argentina's sites, because sometimes the requirements are different (whereas the USDA APHIS site is always up-to-date)

if you document the process, i'm sure @Nomadoggo would add your experience to that site, so others would benefit. i know i would be interested in seeing the process, time, and total cost. buena suerte, and smooch that pooch for us!
Thanks to everyone for the help! It seems there are several requirements to meet, so I'll start by finding a good veterinarian.
Good info on this thread.Does anyone have a good vet that they can recommend? That would probably help people in this situation. I have been surprised at the number of tourists or expats that come for a few months at a time that bring their pooch with them. Numbers are higher than you'd think.
Hi everyone! I'm looking for some advice on traveling with my service dog from Argentina to Brazil at the end of August. Has anyone done this before? I need to find a veterinarian who can provide a CVI and a dog passport, along with any required vaccinations. Can anyone recommend a SENASA-certified vet in Recoleta? If they speak English, that would be a bonus. Thanks in advance!
I suggest reaching out to Gustavo Garbino. He is very knowledgeable about pet travel abroad and works at SENASA. You can contact him at +54 9 11 5417 2226. His office is located in Belgrano, and he is available there from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
@walter50 also suggested Gustavo to me, and he’s fantastic! He’s handling all the paperwork to help us get our dog to the USA. Wishing you the best with your process!