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Politics To which picket organizations did the more than 1,200 “non-existent” soup kitchens discovered by the Ministry of Human Capital belong? - Infobae

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To which picket organizations did the more than 1,200 “non-existent” soup kitchens discovered by the Ministry of Human Capital belong? - Infobae​



May 18, 2024

Justice is investigating the movements of Emilio Pérsico, Juan Grabois, Juan Carlos Alderete, Daniel Menéndez and Eduardo Belliboni, among others. Several of them received hundreds of millions of pesos in subsidies from the previous government

By Andres Klipphan


Minister Sandra Pettovello expanded the complaint about soup kitchens that “do not exist” and that received food from the former Ministry of Social Development. The case, anticipated by Infobae , is being processed in the Ariel Lijo court and is being instructed by prosecutor Ramiro González . The novelty is that the additional documentation that was incorporated contains an Excel spreadsheet with the 1,201 “non-validated” places , their addresses and the organizations that registered them in the National Registry of Dining Rooms and Picnic Areas (RENACOM) and to which tons of food for vulnerable families. However, his fate is unknown.

In the Casa Rosada they are convinced that the bags of food that should be destined for the most vulnerable were used as a tool of extortion, as was reflected in the case for "extortion" investigated by prosecutor Pollicita; or they were sold, as was also reported in that file in which 28 leaders of the Polo Obrero, the Front of Organizations in Struggle (FOL) and Barrios de Pie are accused.

In the list that Leila Gianni , legal undersecretary of the Ministry of Human Capital presented before the Federal Courts of Comodoro Py, canteens and snack bars stand out that do not exist or that stopped operating - but were not deregistered - to organizations and civil associations referenced in picketers and social leaders such as Emilio Pérsico, Juan Grabois, Juan Carlos Alderete, Daniel Menéndez and Eduardo Belliboni.

In the document that accompanies the Exel form with the data, Judge Lijo is informed that “several soup kitchens were registered by different social organizations . ”

The Minister of Human Capital denounced 1,201 "ghost" cafeterias

The lawyer from the Human Capital portfolio recalled in her presentation that: “The then Ministry of Social Development had two policies to assist the snack bars/dining rooms, one the acquisition of food in kind and the other, granting money for the purchase of food ”.

"In both cases - it is clarified - assistance was granted to the social groups that declared picnic areas/dining rooms nuclear so that they would end up distributing the assistance to those 'pre-registered' in RENACOM." But, there is an abundance of complaints, only 52.3% of the dining rooms could be surveyed. The remaining 47.7% no longer function as such ; 25% of the addresses do not exist or a picnic area never worked .

“We are processing the information collected in order to determine the social organizations linked to the aforementioned 'ghost eaters' ,” reported the La Libertad Avanza official.

In each of the lines in which the name of the dining room and the piquetero organization appears, the result of the audit that was carried out personally appears. Among these evaluations, the phrases “The pre-registration address data do not match the real ones” stand out. “Space no longer functions as such.” “A dining room/snack bar never operated at the declared address.” “A dining room/snack bar never operated at the declared address.”

In the “observations” box you can read descriptions such as: “The neighbors report not knowing how the place or the reference works.” “The space was rented, the reference moved to Mar del Plata.” “The street numbering does not exist. We spoke with neighbors who did not recognize the dining room or the reference. The telephone number listed is non-existent.” "Is not found. They do not coincide between streets. The neighborhood does not match,” among hundreds of other indications.

Most of the 1,201 “ghost” dining rooms and picnic areas were registered in RENACOM by left-wing and Peronist picketing social organizations.

“Lack of State control”​

The majority of the 1,201 “ghost” canteens and picnic areas were registered in RENACOM by left-wing and Peronist picketing social organizations, but, according to the Capital Humano investigation, “it appears that the previous government did not control the registered canteens during the years of management of the 'Argentina against Hunger' programs. Also known as “The Table of Hunger”. The then president Alberto Fernández announced this program with great fanfare and called several mass meetings in which he engaged figures from television, culture, human rights and art to contribute “ideas.” He ended up in nothing. On the other hand, social, civil and political organizations registered more than 40 thousand supposed places to distribute food in the National Registry of Dining Rooms and Picnic Areas. Much of that food came directly from the warehouses of the then Ministry of Social Development and went to the warehouses of the picketers so that they could distribute them to the spaces they ran. It is now known that thousands of those places did not exist. Or at least that is how Minister Pettovello reported it to the Federal Justice.

“The ghost eaters” and the millions of pesos​

The Exel form that is already in the hands of prosecutor Ramiro González is revealing. The social organizations, picket lines, soup kitchens and social plans distributed by the former social portfolio are a big black hole.

Among the 1,201 “ghost eateries” are:

-Seven non-existent canteens of the Federation of Recycling Cooperatives Limited and 10 that belonged to the “ Cooperative El Amanecer de los Cartoneros ”. Both belonging to the MTE and the CETEP referenced in the presidential candidate of Unión por la Patria, Juan Grabois, a leader close to former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner .

On November 12, 2020, the El Amanecer de los Cartoneros Cooperative signed an agreement with the auditor of the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI), Cristina Caamaño , to train the staff of Creole spies in the separation of the waste that was produced. in the organism. A month earlier, the former head of national intelligence had given the social and political leader the information and records that were in the former SIDE about the Confederation of Workers of the Popular Economy (CTEP) and about him. He also received almost $800 million in subsidies from the previous administration in two years alone .

Seven non-existent canteens of the Federation of Recycling Cooperatives Limited and 10 that belonged to the “Cooperative El Amanecer de los Cartoneros”. Both belonging to the MTE and CETEP referenced in the presidential candidate of Unión por la Patria, Juan Grabois

- Three non-existent canteens of the Evita Limitada Federation of Work Cooperatives . On March 19, 2024, the leader of the Evita Movement Emilio Pérsico was denounced for authorizing subsidies of $473,347,050 through six files to two cooperatives of which he was a part: La Patriada and the Evita Federation of Cooperatives LTDA. At that time the member of the Montoneros guerrilla group was Secretary of Social Economy. He was accused of the alleged crimes of “fraud on public administration, abuse of authority and violation of the duties of a public official.”

- The Territorial Liberation Movement (MTL) also appears on the list of non-existent soup kitchens. He is part of the National Board of the Central Workers of Argentina (CTA).

-There are also canteens of the Polo Obrero Civil Association . Its national reference is Eduardo Belliboni . In the judicial case investigated by prosecutor Gerardo Pollicita there are 28 defendants for alleged extortion and other crimes against beneficiaries of the Potenciar Trabajo program. The majority are leaders of the Polo Obrero who were in charge of canteens. They required the beneficiaries of the plan to attend the marches. Otherwise they would be discharged from the social program. They also charged them 2% of the profit, among other alleged irregularities.

- Twelve “non-existent” dining rooms and picnic areas belong to the Federation of Work Cooperatives “René Salamanca-CCC LTDA” and El Fortín de Encarnación . Both organizations belong to the Classist and Combative Current (CCC). Its leader is the former Kirchnerist deputy Juan Carlos Alderete . Fortín de Encarnación also received subsidies from the State for at least $359.6 million.

-The Caminos de Tiza Civil Association also appears to have non-existent dining rooms. It belongs to the Barrios de Pie organization . The national coordinator is Daniel Menéndez , like Pérsico, former officials in the Secretariat of the Popular Economy. Several of its leaders are also investigated in the case for alleged extortion of beneficiaries of the Empower Work.

Daniel Arroyo, Juan Zavaleta and Victoria Tolosa Paz, the Ministers of Social Development of Alberto Fernández

- Judith Present Community Center Civil Association also appears in the Human Capital forms. It is an organization that belongs to Tupac Amaru de Milagro Sala , which benefited in the first three years of Alberto Fernández's government with almost $500 million in subsidies.

These are just some of the organizations that appear in the extensive list of Human Capital. As reported by this media yesterday, federal prosecutor Ramiro González requested a series of reports to clarify who were the officials responsible for controlling the canteens . Justice seeks to determine the identity and participation of all the people who are responsible, including public officials who have served in the Secretariat of Social Inclusion, in the National Directorate of Food Safety, in the Directorate of Planning and Evaluation of Food Policies. , in the Ministry of Social Development from 2020 to December 10, 2023, as well as any public official who worked in areas linked to the events. The case investigates the alleged crimes of “crimes against public administration” and “failure to fulfill the duties of a public official.”