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Politics Today the Senate debates the mega DNU that deregulates the economy, in a climate of uncertainty and tension - Infobae

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Today the Senate debates the mega DNU that deregulates the economy, in a climate of uncertainty and tension - Infobae​



March 14, 2024

After enabling the discussion, Victoria Villarruel proposed delaying the treatment, but was unsuccessful. In the ruling party they do not rule out a saving movement. Javier Milei's statement blew up the Parliamentary Labor meeting yesterday

The vice president and head of the Upper House, Victoria Villarruel (Senate Press)

In a climate of uncertainty and tension, the full Senate will hold a special session from 11 a.m. to analyze a package of laws. There is an issue that will get all the attention: the potential rejection of the mega Decree of Necessity and Urgency that deregulates the economy , Javier Milei 's flagship rule .

The discussion of the DNU has been going on for several weeks in the Upper House. Yesterday was the worst day, with a statement from Milei himself that dynamited the Parliamentary Labor meeting - where the imminent session was organized - and directed the magnifying glass towards his own vice president and head of the Senate, Victoria Villarruel . “Own and unconsulted agenda,” said the head of state and defender of freedom.

The path of this issue began more than a month ago when the senatorial Kirchnerism, led by José Mayans from Formosa , pressured Villarruel with requests for special sessions to reject the DNU, which needs the vote against from both Chambers of Congress to be deactivated, a situation that never occurred.

The president of the upper house appealed to the regulatory power to set the day and time of the sessions. Thus, she delayed the landing of the issue in the chamber and alone paid the political cost to shield the Government. The Frente de Todos is the first minority in the upper house and has 33 legislators, only four short of the quorum.

The head of Kirchnerism in the Senate, José Mayans (NA)

The path adopted by Villarruel became complicated days ago, when a group of non-Kirchnerist opposition senators - led by dissident Peronists Carlos Espínola and Edgardo Kueider - presented another note to meet and analyze the mega DNU, which left the ruling party on the verge of a defeat.

Faced with a complex scenario for La Libertad Avanza and, as various sources confided to Infobae this Wednesday , Villarruel began a rescue operation 48 hours ago, when he made the decision to include the mega DNU in the session agenda. He no longer had the slightest margin to avoid it. However, this generated anger in the Casa Rosada, with public confirmation through the President's statement.

From Congress, the ruling party began a round of calls to the non-Kirchnerist opposition - especially to legislators with governors - to delay the discussion of the rule and protect the Government.

In parallel to this, during the course of yesterday's day, the official leader in the Upper House, Ezequiel Atauche (Jujuy), went to the Casa Rosada to speak with top-level officials and reinforce the legislative strategy adopted, which involved waiting the treatment of the mega DNU this Thursday and, from that, execute one of these options: or ask for a motion to postpone it, or hold the debate and only then ask for the vote to be delayed.


El comunicado de Javier Milei sobre el debate del mega DNU
A pesar de lo realizado, la respuesta negativa de la mayoría de los jefes de bloque en la reunión de Labor Parlamentaria desarmó lo actuado en los últimos días. Para peor, el comunicado de Milei fue informado durante el encuentro y los ánimos en el Senado quedaron aún más caldeados.

“No está nada definido. Cayó muy mal lo del Presidente mientras ocurría Labor Parlamentaria, pero hay que ver si algún oficialista plantea una moción para posponer el DNU. Ahí será a suerte o verdad y nos daremos cuenta si aceptan los que no son kirchneristas y representan a sus gobernadores. Nunca hay que cantar victoria antes de tiempo”, señaló anoche a Infobae un experimentado senador.

El legislador además recordó a este medio que, durante la misma jornada de ayer, en Diputados no hubo quorum -con ayudas de varias bancadas opositoras- para votar una nueva fórmula jubilatoria que impulsaban varios sectores anti oficialistas.

Previo al comunicado de Milei, la jugada de último minuto que intentaba Villarruel -y algunos no descartan aún- era mostrarle al Gobierno otros caminos viables de negociación política, en línea con el Pacto de Mayo ofrecido por el primer mandatario a los gobernadores, junto a una rediscusión de la ley “ómnibus” en Diputados y un acuerdo fiscal.