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Transport cuts


New member
Cuts to urban transport have already been announced without any specifics. When Menem took office intercity railway lines were sold off to private investors and nearly all passenger service was dropped. Over subsequent years intercity lines were gradually revived. Milei will certainly reduce massive subsidies that have made long distance train fares ridiculously cheap but I wonder if the trains will be entirely eliminated once again.
i vote privatization of train service, public bidding, and frequent contract renewals to ensure no stagnation. hopefully eventually you can take a train for a reasonable price through Argentina with a dog (it seems impossible to transport a dog out of BsAs, for those wondering)
Cuts to urban transport have already been announced without any specifics. When Menem took office intercity railway lines were sold off to private investors and nearly all passenger service was dropped. Over subsequent years intercity lines were gradually revived. Milei will certainly reduce massive subsidies that have made long distance train fares ridiculously cheap but I wonder if the trains will be entirely eliminated once again.
I was also wondering about this @Chris . I agree that the generous subsidies need to end in a lot of different areas including electricity. Although that will hurt me paying higher utility bills, I think ALL the people that voted for Milei recognize that everyone needs to make a collective sacrifice for the betterment of Argentina.