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Trip Reports Trip Report with Friends


New member
Hello everyone.

I have been living in Argentina for some time now. Last weekend some friends took me to visit the famous "Costanera" I saw that there was already a report of this place but to add some more experience while you are walking through this place you will come across food stalls or people who are fishing. My friends took me to the end of the fisherman's pier and rented me a rod to see if I had any luck. We were talking and fishing for 2 hours.

After that they invited me to their house to try the famous "Asado" made by them on a grill. I had never witnessed one of these events in person, they gave me a bottle cut with fernet and coke and we started talking, dancing and drinking together. The time flew by. We spent more than 4 hours over low heat making the asado and it was truly the best asado and atmosphere I have ever tasted in my life.

The asado was very soft and delicious. I have never tasted such a dish anywhere else. The ritual as my friends say before the asado is the key to a good argentinian asado. So if you have Argentinean friends ask them to make you an asado so you can live a unique and unmissable experience of this country.

I completely agree with @JulianBC . Argentines, once they get into confidence, become the friendliest people in the world.

My neighbors in the building always express their willingness to help me, saying something like "You can always count on us", as if we were more than just neighbors, rather part of the same family.
Thanks for the review. Most tourists and even many locals don't come to this area but it's nice for something different and nice to walk by the water front. I buy choripans here at night sometimes on the weekends.