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Politics Truckers will define on Thursday whether to carry out a 48-hour strike due to the Government's refusal to approve the joint agreement - Infobae

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Truckers will define on Thursday whether to carry out a 48-hour strike due to the Government's refusal to approve the joint agreement - Infobae​



April 08, 2024

This was confirmed by the union's deputy secretary, Pablo Moyano. Yesterday, the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, confirmed that the increase signed in February of this year will not be validated. “The nonsense has already made Argentines fed up,” he warned.


The national government ratified its position of not approving the latest Truck Drivers' salary agreement

The Truckers Union decided to postpone until next Thursday the strike that the deputy secretary, Pablo Moyano , had announced for today, in repudiation of the Government's refusal to approve the joint agreement, and now threatens with a 48-hour force measure , which could be announced within the framework of the union's national congress.

Yesterday, the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos , ratified the position of rejecting the salary increase agreement due to the challenge of one of the business chambers, and assured: "I think that these nonsense from Pablo Moyano , to all Argentines, and to the He's a little fed up. "The Government will do what it has to do, from the moment the measures are taken."

“The Minister of Economy ( Luis Caputo ) said clearly that the Government is not going to validate increases above inflation. We will have to see how this discussion is raised and what measures the Government will take if a strike is carried out,” Francos added in statements to Radio Rivadavia.

Given this situation, and in an escalation of the conflict , Casa Rosada indicated that, if confirmed, they will declare the Truckers' strike illegal and that they will use tools such as mandatory conciliation.

Hugo and Pablo Moyano (NA)

“We believe in an Argentina without violence, where the institutions function, as they are functioning, and there are no pressures or leaders who by force seek to subdue the other and much less the State,” the Ministry of Labor highlighted when asked by Infobae. “ We ask Moyano to remain within the framework of the law . The people voted for a profound change, now the rules are followed and no one is above the law, no matter how powerful some union member believes himself to be,” they added.

At the Ministry of Labor they clarified that “approval is not an automatic act, as Moyano suggests” and that “the State has a function to fulfill which is to guarantee public order, that is, that the rights of third parties to whom it is not affected are not affected.” This agreement will be imposed on them if it is approved.” And they recalled that "the agreement for which they are pressing has had serious challenges from chamber members and until they are resolved, it cannot be approved."

Luis Caputo: “March inflation will be around 10%”
The challenges were presented by the Chamber of Transportation of Santiago del Estero (CATSE), the Association of Truck Owners of Mendoza (APROCAM), the Business Chamber of Cargo Transportation of Córdoba (CEDAC) and the Union of Truck Owners of San Juan (UPROCAM). The four associations make up the Argentine Federation of Freight Motor Transport Business Entities (FADEEAC), one of the signatories of the joint agreement, on February 23, but they challenged the agreement before Labor considering that they were incorporated into the agreement “without consultation.” ” the payment of additional payments and an extraordinary contribution for social work that “ends up favoring large companies and affects all SMEs in the country.”

Although the Labor legal area has been analyzing the challenges for weeks, the increase was already included (in many cases as an advance payment) in the March salaries , paid at the beginning of this month. Even so, without the approval, the employer sector is not obliged to pay for the improvement and much less to recognize the “extraordinary contribution” to the Truckers' social work of $10,000 per worker “to solve the union's deficit.” It is estimated that in a universe of 200,000 Truckers members, this contribution amounts to a total of 2000 million pesos per month.

National Truckers Congress​

The union's national congress next Thursday will be headed by the general secretary, Hugo Moyano. There, in addition, invitations were sent to businessmen in the sector to discuss the new salary increase, applicable from May 1. In this framework, the National Federation of Truck Drivers “urgently demanded the list of companies that paid the increase as an advance on salaries, the sending of salary receipts and the list of companies that did not pay the increase” objected by the Government. ”, which is 45% in two sections: 25% for March and 20% for April.