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Two trains collided in Palermo: 30 injured were transported and another 60 were treated at the scene of the accident - Infobae

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Two trains collided in Palermo: 30 injured were transported and another 60 were treated at the scene of the accident - Infobae​



May 10, 2024

It happened near Dorrego and Figueroa Alcorta, in CABA. The collision occurred between two trains of the San Martín Railway that were traveling in the same direction, one of them without passengers. The union reported that the signage was not working

Two trains collided in Palermo. Infobae drone photo. (Franco Fafasuli)

Two trains collided this morning, at 10:31, in the Palermo neighborhood, near the bridge located at Dorrego and Figueroa Alcorta .

The SAME issued a red alert and deployed a large operation in the area: thirty people were transported with different types of injuries. Another 60 people were evaluated at the scene but were determined not to need hospitalization.

“The formation was completely evacuated and the injured were transferred to the Fernández, Pirovano, Rivadavia, Santojanni, Durand, Tornú, Ramos Mejía and Gutiérrez Hospitals
,” official sources reported. A police officer who was on board the train was transferred to Churruca.

Map: the train crash in Palermo was near Dorrego and Figueroa Alcorta

Alberto Crescenti , head of SAME, assured: “ The main thing is that we have no fatalities, the dogs have combed the most complicated carriages due to the impact and they found nothing .”

Crescenti also specified that 90 people were assisted , 30 of whom were in “code red” and had to be transferred to area hospitals. Two of them have head trauma and were transported by helicopter to Santojanni.

Of the four train drivers involved in the crash, only one had to be hospitalized.

The head of the City Government, Jorge Macri , arrived at the scene of the collision. He highlighted the emergency operation of the Buenos Aires government, which in addition to the SAME included the Fire Department.

Due to the impact, there was a fuel spill , forcing rescue teams to neutralize the substance with foam to avoid major incidents.

Video: this is how the wounded were transported

Video: emergency teams work at the accident site

Alberto Crescenti reported how many injuries were caused by the accident

How were the mechanics of the train crash in Palermo?​

Authorities are trying to determine the mechanics of the accident. It is believed that a formation that was transporting passengers heading to Pilar collided from behind with another that was transporting materials for maintenance work on the same road.

A first version that was later discarded indicated that the incident was the result of a derailment. “ Most likely it was the other way around: the derailment of the formations occurred after the crash ,” speculated a member of the emergency team who was at the scene.

The judicial case was in charge of federal judge Julián Ercolini and prosecutor Carlos Rívolo.

Estela, a passenger who was traveling with her granddaughter, told how she experienced the accident: “It was a very big scare, I am always in front of everything, but today we were at the back.” “The blow wasn't that hard for us, the tracks opened, the train left the rails, we got a big scare,” she said.

The woman assured that the train was stopped for a few seconds and when it resumed its movement it collided with the other formation that was transporting materials.

Omar Maturano , general secretary of La Fraternidad, reported that there was a locomotive stopped on the tracks. “ The passenger train was given free rein, they met and collided ,” he explained.

The union member reported that the signaling system did not work. “We have been working like this for 10 days because the signaling cables are stolen, we have been demanding that they be repaired but there are no spare parts, there is a total degradation of the company,” he said.

And I add. "There are no spare parts for signaling, but neither for the trains, today we are driving trains like a Saturday, at 75%, the degradation of the budget is total."

The site of the collision between two formations on the bridge over Figueroa Alcorta

Video: images from the Infobae drone after the train accident in Palermo

The crash occurred near Dorrego and Figueroa Alcorta
Other sources in the sector consulted by Infobae assured that the accident had two components: a human error and the consequences of "five months of management without investment."

An auxiliary from Palermo gave way for the train with passengers to advance and the track was occupied by a locomotive and a van ,” they indicated.

“The signals have not been working for 10 days, so the “written” route is being given. Since the automatic circuit does not work, it is done in a human way. They sent a locomotive with a boxcar and gave way to the formation with passengers behind. And that's where the impact occurs,” they delved.

Regarding the lack of investment, they explained: “ They stopped the works, they suspended the electrification of the San Martín, they fired the signaling personnel and the workshops have not bought spare parts for 4 months .”


This is what one of the formations involved in the accident looked like

Official statement from Argentine Trains​

Trenes Argentinos reports that a formation - with seven cars - of the San Martín line collided with a locomotive and an empty van car, at 10:31, at kilometer 4,900 - at Alcorta Avenue - on the Palermo viaduct.

The incident occurred for reasons that are the subject of investigation and as a result of it, the van that was traveling next to the locomotive derailed. As a result of the incident, the service is provided between the Villa del Parque-Pilar stations.

Emergency personnel from the City of Buenos Aires -SAME- and firefighters work to evacuate the people who were victims of the collision.

So far, as reported by the health authorities present at the scene, there are at least 60 people with injuries of varying severity.

(Editor's note: the total number of injured was updated after the release of the statement)


What the Secretary of Transportation said about the train crash​

Franco Mogetta , Secretary of Transportation of the Nation, was also at the scene of the crash: “We regret this terrible accident. Luckily we don't have to be lamenting fatalities.”

“There are multiple hypotheses but at this moment we cannot advance any of them. We cannot advance absolutely any of that, we cannot rule out anything; There are also complaints of cable theft and we are precisely investigating that situation, but we want to be very cautious and also make the entire investigation task available to justice. There is possibly some issue to investigate regarding the warnings, the signals that have been given both from the formations outwards and from the flaggers and the signaling,” he added.

