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Economy UP: due to “technical problems” the negative balance was frozen at $480, less than two bus trips - Infobae


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UP: due to “technical problems” the negative balance was frozen at $480, less than two bus trips - Infobae


February 16, 2024

The Ministry of Transportation reported this Friday in the Official Gazette that the system does not allow the limit to be raised to $1,080, that is, the equivalent of four bus trips with the minimum fare. The Government hopes to resolve it “soon”

By Agustin Maza

The new negative balance of the increase is 480 pesos. (Ministry of Transportation)

Starting this Friday, the negative balance of the SUBE card will be frozen at $480 due to “technical problems” in the system to raise that limit reported by the Government. This amount represents, after the latest increases, less than two minimum bus tickets in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) , of $270, when a value equivalent to four tickets is generally established.

The measure was published this morning in the Official Gazette through Resolution 12/2024 of the Ministry of Transportation. “An instant recharge credit is established for the cards of the SINGLE ELECTRONIC TICKET SYSTEM (SUBE) equivalent to the sum of FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY PESOS ($480.00), which will be usable every time the card does not have a balance available for use. and access to all public transportation services, and will be restored as a priority in the next accreditation of funds made by the user holding the respective card," stated the rule that bears the signature of Secretary Franco Mogetta .

The problem, as highlighted in the recitals of the text, is that the system “currently does not have sufficient logical internal capacity to store the negative balance that occurs under the rates established in the last resolution, so technically it does not It is possible to comply with the “recharge credit amount” established by law. Specifically, the negative balance of the SUBE should be located at four minimum bus fares.

Since last February 6, that ticket went to $270 in the AMBA, so the official intention was that the limit for traveling without balance would go to $1,080 starting this month, something that in practice was not possible. The Government explained that a solution will be sought in the coming days.

The minimum of the SUBE card should be 1,080 pesos

“That, in this sense, Nación Servicios stated that it is carrying out the field replacement of part of the Modules or Secure Access to the SINGLE ELECTRONIC TICKET SYSTEM (first generation SAM) and the reprogramming of those that are not necessary replace (second generation), in order to extend the storage capacity of the negative balance of the cards of the SINGLE ELECTRONIC TICKET SYSTEM (SUBE), so until the replacement is completed in all the physical elements of the Networks of Use and Charging, the SUBE card can support a negative balance of up to the sum of FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY PESOS ($480),” the resolution explained.

Something similar had happened when they wanted to raise the load limit from $6,600 to $9,900, when they encountered technical problems in applying the increase. That the negative balance remains at such a low level will mean that users will have to charge their cards more often to travel, which adds to the saturation of the registration system.

With the last increase decided by the Ministry of Transportation , the minimum bus ticket went from $76.92 to $270 and is the one that is used to travel up to three kilometers. The next fare (from three to six kilometers, the most used by AMBA passengers) will increase from $85.96 to $300.78, and the next one, from six to twelve kilometers, will reach $323.95 from $92. .29 current. The two most expensive (12 to 27 kilometers and more than 27) will have a value of 347 and 370 pesos, respectively.

It is important to note that there will be a different price, almost 60% more expensive, for those who use unnominated SUBE cards, that is, who use that of a third party or who have not registered theirs in their name. For these cases, the ticket starts at $430 for the shortest section and reaches $589.54 for the longest. However, this penalty will only begin to apply from next April, so there is still time to register virtually or in person.

Current tariff schedule for AMBA transportation.

Meanwhile, for people who also have to make a train trip , the impact on their pockets will be greater after the increase and unification of the rates for this service. On all AMBA lines, thus, the minimum ticket would cost $130 (on the Miter line, for example, today it costs $48.38), while section two would jump to $169 and the most expensive ticket $208. Taking the Miter line as a reference, the increase is around 170% compared to current values, although it varies depending on the starting point of each branch. In the case of trains, the use of unnominated SUBE cards will mean paying double the fare. And the fines for evading payment of the ticket will be 10 times the maximum fare, that is, $2,080 in total.

It is worth clarifying that the benefit granted by the National State to travel with a 55% discount on public transportation that is automatically applied to the card is still valid. There, according to official sources, are included: “Retirees and pensioners; students of the PROGRESAR program, domestic work staff; veterans of the Malvinas War, beneficiaries of the Universal Child Allowance, Pregnancy Allowance, Youth with More and Better Work Program, Unemployment Insurance, Training and Employment Insurance, Promote Equal Opportunities Program, National Socio-productive Inclusion Program and Local Development “Promote Work”, Non-Contributory Pensions, Social Monotributists registered in the National Registry of Local Development and Social Economy Effectors (REDLES)”.