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Real Estate News Urban Planning Code of Buenos Aires: Jorge Macri met with developers and builders to analyze the changes - Infobae


Urban Planning Code of Buenos Aires: Jorge Macri met with developers and builders to analyze the changes - Infobae


August 13, 2024

The head of the Buenos Aires government met with the main representatives of the sector and agreed to continue working on urban development, seeking a balance between construction and the preservation of the identity of the neighborhoods. The head of government promised them that the current suspension for new works will not be extended.

By Jose Luis Cieri


The Buenos Aires Urban Planning Code, approved in 2018 and partially modified in 2020 and 2022, seeks to establish parameters for the urban development of CABA

The Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Jorge Macri , met today with several representatives of the construction sector and real estate developers and “agreed to continue working for the sustainable urban development of CABA that preserves the profile and identity of the low-rise neighborhoods,” according to the Buenos Aires government. This meeting took place days after the Buenos Aires administration sanctioned a decree suspending permits for construction and renovation of real estate projects for 180 consecutive days or until the new Urban Planning Code (CUR) is approved.

The presentation of the project to modify the CUR (which must be done by law every four years) by the head of the Buenos Aires government, generated a debate about the regulation of construction. One of the central points of the project, embodied in the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 2/24, is the protection of the identity of neighborhoods characterized by their low building height.

Through this measure, "we seek to protect these areas, mainly Low Altitude Sustainability Units (USAB) 1 and 2, from real estate speculation."

The meeting was attended by Gerardo Martínez , General Secretary of the Construction Workers Union of the Argentine Republic (UOCRA); Damián Tabakman , President of the Chamber of Urban Developers (CEDU); Gustavo Weiss , President of the Argentine Chamber of Construction (CAMARCO); Carlos Spina , President of the Association of Housing Entrepreneurs (AEV); Santiago Riva , member of CAMARCO; Santiago Tarasido , President of CRIBA and of the Cost and Technology Commission of AEV; and Gustavo Llambías , Partner and Director of RED (Real Estate Developers) and Vice President of AEV, among others.

The Buenos Aires City Government clarified that the proposed modifications will not affect the continuity of administrative procedures or the validity of construction permits already granted.

The meeting was held to discuss the draft update of the Urban Planning Code sent to the Legislature, and to provide clarifications on Decree of Necessity and Urgency 2/24.

"This measure does not affect the continuity of all the procedures in progress, nor the validity of the construction permits already granted, and allows the start of works already processed. In this way, the continuity of construction and real estate activities is guaranteed while the Urban Planning Code is being discussed," said Jorge Macri .

The Head of Government promised not to expand the scope of the DNU since there will be no other zoning of CABA to be affected by an equivalent suspension in the future while the issue is being discussed in the Legislature (the legislative treatment could be extended until the end of the year).

Business opinions

At the meeting, it was agreed to work with the technical teams to mitigate, as far as possible, the negative impact that the DNU could have had on the development of the projects.

“It was a very positive meeting,” Gustavo Weiss , president of CAMARCO, told Infobae. “Jorge Macri raised the importance of analyzing the CUR in relation to the construction of buildings in residential neighborhoods, an issue that he considers necessary to review and eventually modify,” he added.


On behalf of the City, in addition to the Chief of the City, there were the Deputy Chief of Government, Clara Muzzio; the Chief of Staff, Néstor Grindetti; the Secretary General, Fulvio Pompeo; and the Secretary of Urban Development, Álvaro García Resta.

The goal, according to Weiss, is “to avoid damaging the houses in these neighborhoods, preserving their traditional appearance.” The rest of the Urban Planning Code, he clarified, “ will remain in force without modifications , except for what concerns this particular situation.”

Representatives of the construction industry and developers will also bring their proposals to the discussion of the new Urban Planning Code in the Legislature.

Santiago Riva , from CAMARCO, emphasized that “it was a meeting where there was a great deal of prejudice on the part of the private sector, especially with regard to legal certainty and the fear of abrupt changes in the rules of the game, such as the suspension of works or bureaucratic obstacles.”

The president of CEDU, Damián Tabakman , said after the meeting: “For us, the most important thing is that Macri commits, and he is saying it here, to not extend the suspension of permits to anything other than this decree, no matter what happens in the real estate development market. They are doing this with the idea of avoiding speculation and that gives us peace of mind.”

Real estate developers and builders argue that although the suspension is broad, optimism was generated after the meeting, especially because it was confirmed that the works already underway will continue.

“The Government has promised that the scope of the suspension will have the least possible impact, to look at each case with a positive eye so as not to affect anyone in the sector. The idea is to work with the greatest openness so that the works can continue as long as possible, without of course contradicting what the law says,” concluded Tabakman.

This sounds like good news. I do agree it is a good idea not to just destroy all the old houses in nice neighborhoods and build high rises. It makes neighborhoods lose their charm. I like how Palermo Soho barely has any tall buildings.