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Politics US companies expressed their support for the Labor Reform that will be discussed next Monday in Deputies - Infobae

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US companies expressed their support for the Labor Reform that will be discussed next Monday in Deputies - Infobae​



April 26, 2024

AmCham issued a statement in which they called on the rest of the political spaces to support the bill, within the framework of the treatment that the Bases Law will begin next week.

Facundo Gómez Minujín, president of Amcham and JP Morgan Argentina (Photos: Adrián Escándar)

The United States Chamber of Commerce in Argentina (AmCham) expressed this Friday its support for the Labor and Tax Reform that will begin to be discussed next Monday in the Chamber of Deputies . As they expressed, the approval of the project is necessary in the current economic context and, in addition, they called on the rest of the political sectors to join the initiative.

In the statement released they highlighted that, in the current socioeconomic scenario, the project "is essential to promote growth, genuine and quality employment, and improvement in competitiveness in relation to the rest of the economies."

“We are convinced that the need to modernize labor laws in Argentina represents an exclusive requirement for the challenges we face. A well-designed labor reform, without a doubt, can contribute significantly to reducing informality in the labor market, increasing employability rates, attracting investments and improving our productivity," they detailed.

Furthermore, they considered that “rethinking the current legal framework to adapt it to a different and dynamic world of work from that which existed 50 years ago, preserving the fundamental principles of labor law, redesigning the very concept of the labor framework and extending it beyond the regulation of labor relations, also covering training, requalification through new technologies, the security of the unemployed, the formalization of the same and the constant improvement of the employability, competitiveness and productivity of the entire labor offer, today it is essential .

The new session for the Omnibus Law begins on Monday at 11 in the morning

“Effective measures that seek to simplify and streamline the bureaucratic procedures associated with employment, reduce the administrative burden by eliminating fines for non-registered employees and a simplified labor registration regime, provide predictability to compensation costs through the creation of a severance fund optional, and guarantee legal certainty in the updating of sentences, not only benefits all social actors, including companies, but can also be the key to promoting hiring and innovation in the workplace, and translate into a more efficient response to market demands,” they detailed.

As reported, from AmCham “we have repeatedly raised the need to introduce comprehensive reforms and profound transformation to make Argentina a viable country. And as we always highlight: an efficient coordination between the public and private sectors is the only way to achieve it.”

The world of work has changed and Argentina has to be part of that change , we cannot continue postponing our development and stability. Reconstruction is a task for all actors above any partisan or personal interest, and for this reason, we once again call on all political sectors to join this initiative," they concluded.

The statement came after weeks of long negotiations in the Chamber of Deputies that ended yesterday with the signing of the opinion of the Bases Law project , which was ready to be debated in the chamber between Monday - at 11 - and Tuesday of next week .

The ruling party's text had 61 signatures from the LLA and PRO deputies. The UCR, We Make the Federal Coalition and Federal Innovation accompanied with dissidents at different points. In the case of the radicals , mainly around labor reform , since they promoted several articles that were highly resisted by unionism, such as the elimination of the solidarity quota or the declaration of education as an essential service to limit strikes. Hacemos ' dissidence revolved around the tobacco chapter and the consolidation of debts with the pension funds not transferred in the Sustainability Guarantee Fund (FGS) chapter. Finally the chapter on the FGS was removed completely.