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Real Estate News Value of m2 in GBA - Reporte Inmobiliario



Value of m2 in GBA - Reporte Inmobiliario​



February 27, 2024

Minimum, maximum and average values as of January 2024 in the main GBA parties based on 14,531 offers that make up the Real Estate Report base.


Based on 14,531 reliable cases of used apartments on offer for sale published during the month of January 2024, the average value per square meter of the entire offer as a whole was located at 1,586 U$S/m2 for the studio apartments. and 1,529 U$S/m2 for one-bedroom units, while for 3- and 4-room units the average price was 1,369 U$S/m2 and 1,232 U$S/m2 respectively.

Compared to the prices existing a year ago, in January 2023, the value per m2 was reduced by 7.3% in the case of studio apartments, 4.9% and 2.6% in 1 and 2-bedroom units. 2 bedrooms respectively. The least pronounced year-on-year fall was seen by 4-room units since the price for the first month of the year in relation to the same month in 2023 was 1.3%.

The data arises from applying the resources allowed by new technologies to collect thousands of data with which, after a rigorous filtering process, Real Estate Report updates the databases with which it develops its interactive Market Analytics and Market Valuation tools.

The average, minimum and maximum values, along with the number of cases, can be seen in detail and by party, in the following tables for used 1, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments.





