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Real Estate News Value per m2 CABA: turning point? - Reporte Inmobiliario


Value per m2 CABA: turning point? - Reporte Inmobiliario



September 07, 2023

Last quarter the trend was reversed and prices grew an average of 1.9%. It had been 17 quarters since the offer prices had not risen in CABA. Quarterly figures by neighborhood since 2005.


The prices in dollars at which used apartments of 1 and 2 bedrooms are published showed an increase of 1.9% during the last quarter in Ciudad de Bs As.

In relation to May of last year, the average price per m2 fell by only 0.7%, while in the previous measurement in February the year-on-year drop had been 3.7%. The current average price per m2 in the city of Buenos Aires is currently experiencing a drop of 36% compared to February 2019, a period in which the highest values were recorded since the beginning of the series in 2005.

The average square meter value of used apartments of standard quality without amenities based on the survey that the Real Estate Report carries out quarterly since 2005 was located in August of this year at 1,536 U$S/m2.


The reduction in values accumulated until last quarter 17 consecutive quarterly periods of falls, although already in the last two quarters these falls had been negligible or almost nil (-0.3% in both quarters).

During this last quarter, 7 neighborhoods slightly lowered their price, 26 raised it and 3 remained stable.

As we have been saying a few quarters ago, "there are neighborhoods that are beginning to attract attention due to the attractiveness of their average offer values for used apartments, such as Boedo, Flores or San Telmo, among others, with an average price below US$1,400. S/m2. Undoubtedly, this fact is also generating a slight improvement in the amounts of sales that have been arranged in recent months and leading the values to rise in a still moderate way.


METHODOLOGY USED: a homogeneous number of cases is surveyed for each locality-neighborhood based on its built-up density in the downtown area or in the area recognizable as having the greatest presence of residential buildings in horizontal property. The number of cases surveyed is between 30 and 60 depending on the scale of the locality and is statistically predetermined as a representative sample of the universe of historical supply. The investigation is carried out under the figure of "mystery shopper". In all cases it is verified that the apartment is used, integrates a horizontal property building with a standard quality elevator, in a state of medium maintenance, without a garage and that the building does not have amenities. Covered and balcony surfaces are checked. The homogenization criteria for these surfaces is 100% for covered surfaces and 50% for balcony surfaces. It is about that the units are located on the floor located in the middle height of the building. (Number of floors/2). All the offers and data that make up the study are checked by telephone or via mail, after a previous pre-selection carried out from Property Search Engines via the web or notices published in graphic media of national, provincial or zonal scope.
