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Politics Victoria Tolosa Paz pointed out Sandra Pettovello for the soup kitchens: “There is enormous ignorance” - Infobae

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Victoria Tolosa Paz pointed out Sandra Pettovello for the soup kitchens: “There is enormous ignorance” - Infobae​



May 28, 2024

The former head of Social Development crossed the Minister of Human Capital for the complaint of “ghost” snack bars. In addition, she assured that the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, lies about the distribution of food stored in warehouses for social aid.

Sandra Pettovello and Victoria Tolosa Paz

The national deputy of the opposition, and former Minister of Social Development, Victoria Tolosa Paz , crossed this Tuesday with the head of the Human Capital portfolio, Sandra Pettovello, after the presentation of the complaint before the Justice of 1,607 canteens and picnic areas that “do not exist" . Likewise, she also targeted the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, who she said "lies" about the food stored in warehouses for social assistance.

The denunciation of the 'ghost eaters' is a farce . They built an imaginary registry, that everyone who was in the registry had had the possibility of receiving a transfer of resources or food. This is the first major fallacy in the complaint they are making, evidently they did not read what ReNaCOM is . It was created during the management of Daniel Arroyo, in the midst of a pandemic, due to the enormous expansion of pots . In fact, from people who had never had a dining room in his house, in order to alleviate the pandemic,” said the opposition leader in statements to Radio con Vos.

Regarding this, he explained: “It is a record, it was not a program, it is simply a record. It's like thinking that in the supplier registry they always sold to the State . It is not like this. Registration in the registry is not the same as having received any food policy from the Ministry of Social Development. When I say some, it is because you have to know the ministry in depth, to know, for example, that there is a school food service, which is a transfer to the provincial governments for the schools.”

Furthermore, the Unión por la Patria legislator added that “the only policy in which there was a requirement by resolution was to deliver, for example, the UNDP program to an institution, there was an audit not only accounting but also social . The dining room has visitors to be able to pass the first disbursement stage”, .

After these statements, Tolosa Paz pointed directly to the head of the Ministry of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, who he said has “ enormous ignorance of the person who directs the Human Capital portfolio, Sandra Pettovello , of the entire battery of food policies that has the Ministry of Social Development, and different modalities, which are validated by creation resolutions. I did not create the reinforcement program for dining rooms and snack bars, Carolina Stanley created it , and she put a huge number of items into it that were fulfilled in the heat of being able to execute them,” said the former Minister of Social Development.

The former Minister of Social Development, Victoria Tolosa Paz
“You found 30 people who misappropriated food and you found the possibility of turning off the tap and for six months you have not implemented a single food policy, except for a food card, it is a crime. What do Argentine schools have to do with the chapter that there are non-existent canteens or that there is a cooperative that sold the food it took? "That doesn't give you enough time to do such a parade and overtake the ministry's food policy, because there are children who need it," he added.

There are so many differences that Tolosa Paz has with the current leadership of the national State, which highlighted the policies carried out, at the time, by the Government of Mauricio Macri, of whom he highlighted that in the face of the crisis, he reinforced support for the Development portfolio Social. “ Not even Macri dared to do so much. He, being aware of the collapse of the economy, promoted an expansive Social Development policy , where social plans increased, the delivery of food, and he created the program to reinforce community kitchens. “It is the first time that there is a Government that is destroying the economic capacity of the rural sectors, that stops public works, construction falls and turns off the tap on social development, with the excuse that there are irregularities ,” he assured.

And he maintained: “ Of course there are irregularities, as in many areas of the national State , and for that there are control and audit mechanisms. But there is never a closure of the food and inclusion policy.”

The presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni

For her part, the national representative also spoke out against the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, who she said "lies" when referring to the plan to distribute the five tons of food housed in a warehouse for social aid that were not distributed.

“They haven't bought anything at all from the Ministry of Social Development for six months, but the new thing is that we left those warehouses with that stock of 5 million kilos of food, but everything that is in there was bought by the previous management. And here, yes, I want to answer Adorni, that not only is he lying, but he is lying once again . The ability they have to contradict themselves is impressive. He said that these foods were not for the community kitchens, which are saved for the emergency. We had the Bahía Blanca catastrophe and the floods in Concordia, and they did not attend ”, He expressed.

Now Adorni says that 60% of what was there is grass, that 40% is not, but they do not say that they are going to hand it over either. And the most serious thing is that they say they were acquired through irregular procedures. All food was purchased under public bidding, under processes that the national State controls in the Buy Argentina procedure,” Tolosa Paz concluded.

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