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Politics Video: this is the situation at the Radioelectric Command in Posadas on the fourth day of the Police protest - Infobae

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Video: this is the situation at the Radioelectric Command in Posadas on the fourth day of the Police protest - Infobae​



May 20, 2024

The local troops demonstrated again and the conflict spreads

This is how the radio command was in Misiones
Members of the Misiones Police continue the protest in the Radioelectric Command Division I demanding salary improvements. Yesterday there were moments of tension, but in the last hours, both the provincial government and the police representatives recognized that there was a rapprochement and they moved to an intermediate room

The protest has now entered its fourth day. Infobae had access to a video in which the police are seen expressing their displeasure between applause and sounding the sirens of their cell phones.

This Sunday the protesters held a meeting with the Coordinating Minister of the Cabinet, Ricardo Llera, who conveyed the provincial government's offer of around 15% salary adjustment.

“It was a positive day ,” said the Senior Non-Commissioned Officer (R), Germán Palavecino , who assured that progress was made on three of the four points under discussion: recognizing the dialogue table, reversing transfers and removing the availability of those They have a police state, reported the First Edition portal.

“They have told us that first thing tomorrow morning the Minister of Finance, the Governor and the Coordinating Minister are going to meet to see how they will make the readjustment to make us a better proposal than the one that was presented to us,” he added in this regard.

In this sense, Palavecino maintained that “we are on the right track and we are very optimistic. "We are going to resist from this stage and let each of us continue making the contribution as before."

For his part, non-commissioned officer (R) Ramón Amarilla declared that “finally we will be able to continue fighting and proposing what police and penitentiary personnel truly must earn to support their family.” “I am not going to create false expectations, what they proposed to us is not close to what we intend. For this reason, no minutes have been signed and we hope that the Coordinating Minister will dialogue with the Governor to improve the proposal ,” he warned.

“Even if you think we are going around in circles, I want you to know that we are not going to accept anything ,” he said.

After several hours of meeting with the Chief of Police, Sandro Martínez, and the Coordinating Minister of the Cabinet, the dialogue between the troops and the provincial government went into a recess until noon this Monday.

The government of Misiones confirmed this Sunday that there will be no going back against the judicial accusations against the organizers of the police protest at the headquarters of the Radioelectric Command of the capital city, according to what an important source from the provincial executive informed Infobae .

“A complaint cannot be nullified,” said an official from the circle close to Governor Hugo Passalaqcua and added the reason for the confirmation. “They are crimes of public action, such as aggravated sedition; robbery, theft and destruction of state property .”

Furthermore, the source added that the current demonstrations were unfounded, since the salary increase “ was going to be announced on Monday ” and that “it had been known since last week .”

It is worth remembering that during this morning, active and retired members of the missionary police forces woke up in the midst of growing tension due to the possibility of an eviction operation ordered by the crisis committee formed between the missionary government and the Ministry of Security of the Nation, in the middle of the third day of salary claims. The members of the National Gendarmerie arrived at the scene, but then withdrew from the area to prevent the conflict from escalating .

Quartering in Misiones in front of the Radioelectric Command
The protesters had prepared the ground for a possible clash with federal forces and formed two types of barricades on the corners of Uruguay and Trincheras de San José avenues, as well as two blocks further down, on Uruguay and Félix Aguirre. “Here there is a police family, there are children and there are people who come to support their parents and there are the aggressive ones ,” said one of the protesters.

The strong operation had been anticipated on Saturday by the Minister of the Missionary Government, Marcelo Pérez , during a conversation with this medium: “We have spoken with the Minister of Security to carry out a joint operation with the Misiones Police and the Gendarmerie to arrest the ringleaders and recover the Radioelectric Command.”

Non-commissioned officer (R) Amarilla sent a message to the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich: “I tell the national authorities who came to repress our people that they are not going to take the missionaries cheaply. We are community workers, professionals and if they return with this situation of aggression against teachers, health professionals or comrades from the Police or Penitentiaries, they will take beatings from the missionaries ,” she threatened.

Formation of the Crisis Committee​

After the first hours of the conflict breaking out, Governor Hugo Passalacqua , Vice Governor Lucas Romero and the head of the provincial government formed a Crisis Committee, as inferred by the Internal Security Law, with the objective of stopping the protest. In parallel, the authorities contacted the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, to coordinate the assistance of the federal forces.

At that time, Bullrich approved the transfer of a squad made up of approximately 200 gendarmes. Although the initial plans did not foresee federal agents intervening in the situation, a judicial document signed by the Court of Instruction No. 6, Secretariat No. 2, of Misiones enabled Pérez to formally request the participation of the National Gendarmerie to the commander of Region N°6, Gabriel Calleja .

“This request is due to the need to have the assistance of the necessary force in response to the large number of people involved,” argued the Missionary Judiciary when referring to the officer and the 60 non-commissioned officers of the Misiones Police who took the police station during the early hours of May 17.

The headquarters of the Radioelectric Command that is taken over by a group of provincial agents (NA)

For his part, the investigating judge intervening in the case, Ricardo Balor, reported that the troops involved in the seizure of the barracks will be charged with the crimes of sedition, aggravated by the condition of public officials and by being armed, illicit association, robbery. of material and destruction of State property. “We will act harshly and with all the consequences of the law,” stated the minister, who reported that the agents “robbed a patrol car and, with their faces covered, threw rubber bands and then set them on fire.”