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Politics Villarruel once again exposed his differences with Milei, despite the coincidences on March 24 - Infobae

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Villarruel once again exposed his differences with Milei, despite the coincidences on March 24 - Infobae​



March 22, 2024

The vice president was at Casa Rosada on Tuesday, in the midst of the preparations for Memorial Day, but discrepancies in management style persist. The presidential environment that questions

By Federico Mayol

Vice President Victoria Villarruel

She whitewashed in public, on prime time television, what she had held in private conversations in recent weeks, regarding her notorious differences with the Casa Rosada. She held nothing back: she once again defended last week's session in which the senators rejected DNU 70 on deregulation of the economy, he insisted that the increase in the legislators' diet should have been validated, she said that he did not agree According to the bill that authorizes the Armed Forces to intervene in cases of internal security, it differed from the Buenos Aires tax rebellion that José Luis Espert promoted - she noted it with special emphasis -, and that was validated by Javier Milei himself , and assured that she does not want to be president, but that she does not rule it out.

“Why are you looking for me if you already know what I look like,” Victoria Villarruel said, almost at the end of the extensive interview with TN . “What is the phrase?” journalist Jony Viale was surprised, smiling. “Of course, why fight me if you already know how I get ,” the vice president challenged with a half smile.

At the same time, the president and Espert were having dinner in Olivos.

Until last night, Villarruel and Milei had had a week of relative tranquility. On Tuesday, after five days of growing internal tension due to the vice president's decision to enable the session that ended with a forceful rejection of the DNU promoted by the head of state - "I did what I had to do," he would say first in private and later in public to defend the “institutionality” of the Senate -, both had an extensive talk alone at Casa Rosada, before and after the traditional cabinet meeting. “I'll wait for you tomorrow at Casa Rosada,” Milei wrote to her WhatsApp on Monday night. The president and Villarruel already knew that, the next day, they would be photographed together to try to clear up the lack of coordination between both powers. Yesterday, they had breakfast again.

Hug. After several days of questioning, Milei and Villarruel were photographed together at the Casa Rosada

There was also an issue on the table that could help calm differences: the anniversary of the last coup d'état on March 24, the first of the Milei era, in the midst of an aggressive cultural battle that the president and his strategists undertaken since they landed in Casa Rosada and that in the area of human rights there will be a new chapter next Sunday.

On Tuesday, Villarruel arrived at Casa Rosada with his secretary María Guadalupe Jones , daughter of retired colonel Juan Carlos Jones Tamayo.

For Villarruel, the review of the '70s and, in particular, the effective sentencing of elderly genocidaires who, according to her, should have the benefit of house arrest, are topics of special interest. “In the '70s, terrorism was fought, and where are those who fought it? “Prisoners ,” she stated in the interview with TN.

Victoria Villarruel against Petri and Bullrich for the armed forces
It is, in short, the agenda that he promoted during the electoral campaign and that he has not neglected since he took over as head of the Senate: it is frequently visited by activists linked to the Center for Legal Studies on Terrorism and its Victims (CELTYV) , an association civil that he created in 2006 while Kirchnerism promoted the reopening of the trials against humanity that put repressors and soldiers in jail.

According to reports, Villarruel and his team would have learned on Tuesday, after the cabinet meeting, the details of the audiovisual material that the Presidency plans to broadcast this Sunday on the anniversary of the last military coup, in which, as published by Infobae , they participate. the journalist Juan Bautista “Tata” Yofre, the former guerrilla Luis Labraña and María Fernanda, daughter of Captain Humberto Viola, murdered by the ERP in Tucumán. From the Senate they explained that they were not consulted.

Could there be surprises? Nobody rules out anything.

The work is in charge of the libertarian filmmaker Santiago Oría , one of the main collaborators of the ruling party's communication team led by the consultant Santiago Caputo , the architect of the construction of the libertarian story.

Argentine President Javier Milei, center left, and Vice President Victoria Villarruel attend the official ceremony commemorating the 32nd anniversary of the attack on the Israeli embassy

In the last few hours, for example, versions have circulated about a possible maneuver by the government to install a bold review of the trials promoted in recent years by the Executive by Kirchnerism and executed by Justice. Milei himself denied it yesterday on social networks. Until last night, the vice president's agenda for this Sunday had not yet been confirmed. But they did not rule out any public action linked to their legal, political and ideological position of the last dictatorship.

Villarruel speaks of the Casa Rosada as “the Executive.” She marks distance. She is determined, as she stated last night, to accompany and work so that Milei has a successful Presidency. But she is very critical of the environment that surrounds the head of state. In particular, Nicolás Posse , the influential Chief of Staff. The former deputy usually marks, in private, Patricia Bullrich and Luis “Toto” Caputo as two of the officials who most promote the style of presidential political leadership that the vice president does not share.

The vice president has no daily contact with any of them. Nor with Karina Milei , the decisive Secretary General of the Presidency, whom she defined as “brave,” like her. Her only daily connection with the Casa Rosada is Guillermo Francos , the Minister of the Interior. Villarruel had wanted to stay, as suggested during the campaign, with the management of Security and Defense. Sources related to La Libertad Avanza also explained that control of the AFI would have been among the former deputy's objectives. In the end, Bullrich and Luis Petri were elected to both ministries, and Silvestre Sívori, an official who reports to Posse, to the former SIDE.

The lack of coordination between the Casa Rosada and the Senate had been publicly exposed last week, before the DNU session on deregulation of the economy - before that, the vice president tried to support the salary increase for the senators. In those hours, Villarruel was upset internally because she considered that the Executive did not collaborate in the negotiations to try to reverse a vote that, in the previous vote, was predicted to be adverse. The government issued a statement in which it insisted on an “own and unconsulted” agenda. A reproach that, according to the Presidency, was not addressed to the vice president. Villarruel does not plan to change his roadmap. He wants to tour the interior. He enable a link with the governors. From the Senate.