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Politics Virtual tie in the Bicameral that will analyze the validity of the DNU that deregulates the economy: who are the four key votes - Infobae


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Virtual tie in the Bicameral that will analyze the validity of the DNU that deregulates the economy: who are the four key votes - Infobae



February 21, 2024

La Libertad Avanza and the PRO add six and Unión por la Patria another six. Everyone looks at the intermediate blocks. The election of authorities, the social climate and the decrees of the Fernández administration

By David Cayon

Mieli together with his cabinet announces the mega DNU

Tomorrow at noon the second major parliamentary dispute that the ruling party proposed for Parliament at the beginning of Javier Milei's Government will begin. The territory of this clash will be in the Bicameral Legislative Procedure Commission.

Once the Omnibus Law has fallen , the treatment of the mega Decree of Necessity and Urgency N 70 will now begin , which repeals more than 300 laws, modifies a similar amount and which aims to deregulate the economy. Presented on December 28, the norm that contains 13 titles and that only has the labor chapter suspended, has been in application for 55 days.

At 12 noon the 16 legislators - 8 deputies and 8 senators - will meet in the Bicameral to begin the debate. Gathered in the Illia Room of the Senate and it is expected that, after the Commission authorities are elected, the discussion will begin. The deadline established by the regulations is that they will have 10 business days to rule, and that deadline is next March 7.

The commission can only issue a ruling on the validity or not of the DNU, if it meets the requirements of necessity and urgency and if it does not legislate on matters prohibited by the Constitution, but not on the substantive issue.

The first “ poroteo ” shows a virtual tie between the ruling party and Kirchnerism. The first gather 6 votes - three from La Libertad Avanza, two from PRO and one from Cambio Federal -, while on the opposition bloc side they have six votes, all from Unión por la Patria.

In this scheme, it remains to define what the positioning of Nicolás Massot from the We Make Federal Coalition bloc, Carlos Espínola from Unidad Federal and Victor Zimmerman and Francisco Monti from the UCR will be. These are the four that could define the fate of the deregulatory decree that President Milei signed, in one of his first government measures.

“The block led by Pichetto is in full debate , there is a lot of activity in the WhatsApp group because everyone is in their locality. Something similar happens with the radicals who also have a divided position and today will seek a joint position in a block meeting. Espínola is the one that remains most hermetic,” a parliamentary operator explained to Infobae.

The expectation in Kirchnerism is to achieve a majority opinion of rejection and they fuel that possibility with what happened in the debate on the Omnibus Law.

“In all the blocks there are different positions but none of them wanted to vote with us because of the political cost. Today the social climate is changing, widespread increases and the lack of recovery are rapidly changing people's moods. Those who did not say that he could not accompany us today - not that they did not want to - are hesitating," explains a UxP deputy.

The option that many were using, and for which radicalism would have requested the formation of the bicameral, is to gain time while waiting for a definition from the Supreme Court of Justice where complaints about the constitutionality of the DNU lie.

In recent days, a lawsuit from the province of La Rioja was submitted to the Supreme Court to declare the nullity of the DNU. The lawsuit was presented by Governor Quintela who today again requested that the magistrates declare the nullity

“The Court is not going to define anything, it is waiting for us to do it,” explained a senator who will participate in the Bicameral. “We have 10 business days and then we have to go to the venue, the judges are not going to rush,” he added.

But the first round will be the election of the authorities. La Libertad Avanza wants to anoint Rioja senator Juan Carlos Pagotto as president of the Commission , but radicalism is not satisfied with that choice.

This position is not only fundamental because it is the one who enables the meetings, but because it is also the one who ends up imposing the agenda and that will be fundamental taking into account that LLA now wants to discuss the DNU of Alberto Fernández's management.

But, above all, that place is relevant because in a commission where there are 16 members the chances of a tie are certain, so in that situation, the vote of the president of the bicameral is worth double and he is the one who ends up defining.