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I've looked into this matter and came across instances where individuals sold their homes and utilized wire transfers. However, my situation involves selling various items I acquired during my time here, not a property. Carrying cash back with me is not something I prefer.

I'm curious to know what method you've found to be the most effective for transferring dollars from Argentina to a US bank. Additionally, if wire transfer is considered the optimal choice, could you provide insight into the average cost associated with this method?
Just keep in mind you have a risk when dealing with someone you don’t know. Because they will demand you give them the cash first. And if they don’t end up wiring out you have NO recourse because the judicial system doesn’t work in Argentina.

I had a transaction earlier this year and the people were so untrusting. Finally the only thing that worked was I suggested her relative in the USA meet me and I would hand them a cashiers check in my bank simultaneous to her handing over the cash to my lawyer.