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Politics What are the effects of the measure ordered by Spain on the diplomatic relationship with Argentina, after Milei's statements - Infobae

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What are the effects of the measure ordered by Spain on the diplomatic relationship with Argentina, after Milei's statements - Infobae​



May 19, 2024

After the President called Pedro Sánchez's wife "corrupt", this Sunday in Madrid, the Spanish Foreign Minister anticipated a diplomatic measure. Its implications in the relationship between countries

By Javier Laslavsky

Javier Milei visited Spain and gave a speech that scandalized the government of his counterpart Pedro Sánchez

José Manuel Albares , Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain, announced this Sunday, May 19, that he called his ambassador in Buenos Aires, María Jesús Alonso Jiménez, for consultations . This occurred after Javier Milei expressed from Madrid that the Spanish first lady, partner of President Pedro Sánchez, is “corrupt.”

“Global elites do not realize how destructive it can be to implement the ideas of socialism, because they are too far away; "They don't know what kind of society and country they can produce and what type of people screwed in power and what levels of abuse it can generate, even when the woman is corrupt, dirty and takes five days to think about it ," he had said. Argentine president at the convention organized by Vox in the Spanish capital.

For this reason, the Government headed by Sánchez announced that “Milei, with this behavior, took relations between Spain and Argentina to their most serious moment in our recent history. For this reason, I called our ambassador in Buenos Aires for consultations ,” expressed José Manuel Albares.

This happens when a government wants one of its ambassadors to temporarily return to the country to discuss urgent or worrying matters with government and foreign officials, as a means of pressure in the face of a possible crisis.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, has harshly criticized Milei's words in Madrid, where he has accused Pedro Sánchez's wife of being “corrupt”.

In this regard, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carlos Ruckauf explained that calling an ambassador for consultation “is a way of expressing deep displeasure with the country from which the ambassador is provisionally withdrawing, leaving in his place a charge d'affaires".

“It is the previous step to a decision that could be to permanently withdraw the ambassador as a form of protest. It is not an uncommon topic, it has been used several times in the world and continues to be used,” added the former vice president of the Nation.

For his part, diplomat Diego Guelar stressed that the decision of the Government of Spain should be understood as “ an expression of displeasure or as a gesture of hostility” for the statements of Javier Milei. Furthermore, the former ambassador stated that this could generate “paralysis with Spain” and a potential “conflict with investments.”


Javier Milei, president of Argentina, during his speech at the Vox political convention "Europa Viva 24". EFE/Rodrigo Jiménez
In turn, Guelar stated that “the PP doesn't like it either” that Milei has this type of attitude. This would lead to a long-term conflict, taking into account that the Popular Party is the one that has the best chance of challenging Pedro Sánchez for power, but they do not share these statements by the Argentine president.

Likewise, the former ambassador to the European Union emphasized that Javier Milei's international strategy could have negative consequences in the medium term because he fights with Argentina's most important partners in its ideological crusade against communism, which also includes socialism. in categories that many analysts consider out of date. That is why Guelar emphasized that the tensions with Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Spain, China and Vietnam , in terms of foreign policy, produce a fight with the most relevant clients and this could have an impact on investments. Just as he also highlighted Milei's alliance with Benjamin Netanyahu and the tension that this causes with the Arab world.

International impact​

Javier Milei 's statements at the “Europa Viva 24” convention were noted in European media, since the event organized by the Vox party at the Palacio Vistalegre, Madrid, was attended by renowned leaders, such as Marine Le Pen (France) and Giorgia Meloni (Italy). For example, the participation of the Argentine president was classified as an “insult to Spain” and Pedro Sánchez, according to the French newspaper Le Monde .

In addition, they highlighted that his speech was “belligerent” and that he was there as a “guest of honor” of the extreme right. They also emphasized that he “did not meet with either King Felipe VI or the Spanish President Pedro Sánchez,” in the context of Milei's visit to Spain.

For its part, the French site Le Figaro echoed the episode involving the Argentine head of state in Spain, and warned that "Spain announces the revocation of its ambassador in Argentina and demands an apology."

The position of the Argentine Government​

Compared to other cases of diplomatic conflicts, as happened with Colombia, the confrontation with Madrid could follow a different path: “They insulted him first. "We do not overact indignation," an official close to the national president told Infobae .

According to what sources from the Argentine Government detailed to this medium, at this time there was no intention to respond to the demand for public apologies demanded by Foreign Minister Albares, and the repercussions of this diplomatic conflict will depend "on how the situation evolves." as they recognized.