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Real Estate Sales What do buyers get with “dollars in hand” and how much can they negotiate on the price of a property? - La Nacion Propiedades


What do buyers get with “dollars in hand” and how much can they negotiate on the price of a property?


July 04, 2024

Real estate brokers gave an overview of what is happening in the market and talked about the room for negotiation between buyers and sellers, rents and price levels.

Victoria Aranda


Miguel Ludmer (Interwin), Gabriela Goldszer (Ocampo Properties), Jose Del Rio (LA NACION) and Luis Ramos (LJ Ramos)Fabian Marelli

Brokers Gabriela Goldszer, director of Ocampo Properties, and Miguel Ludmer, general director of Interwin , participated in the third panel of the Real Estate Summit: Chapter 9, organized by LA NACION.

“It is, indeed, a pivotal moment,” said Goldszer, at the start of the conversation with José Del Rio, General Editor of the newspaper. “The market had begun to reactivate in 2023, at the end of the year, and during this first semester that recovery accelerated. In that context, we identified that interest turned to the segment of finished and used projects,” he added.

Ludmer agreed with her colleague and confirmed: “The truth is that with dollars in hand, you freeze prices and maybe you end up paying the same for a finished apartment as for a pit.”

Looking back, the owner of Ocampo Properties referred to the values of 2017, a key year for the activity with record prices. “We are far away, but they are slowly recovering,” said the broker, who also spoke of other signs that express the same trend: “The negotiation margin between owners and buyers has also changed. And it has gone down; before it was 15 or 10%, today it is 5% ,” she exemplified.


Gabriela Goldszer, director of Ocampo PropertiesFabian Malavolta

For Goldszer, above all and primarily, the market validates the trend of recovering values “with operations” and “to the extent that there are more certainties than uncertainties, the long-term view is that prices will continue to rise.”

Although he expressed his agreement, Ludmer estimated that the recovery that operations are showing came late and, he confirmed, “only involves the used segment.” In any case, the broker pointed out, people are eager to buy . “As for costs – he analyzed – the truth is that they have risen a lot and you cannot transfer them to prices .”

Even in this context and when the segment is clearly not going through its best moment, Goldszer believes that off-the-shelf purchasing will continue to be an attractive option for a certain type of client. “I don’t think it’s gone forever, far from it,” he stressed, also highlighting how useful the tool has been – “it gave a lot of satisfaction,” he said – in recent years for closing deals.

When Del Rio asked about the fluctuations in the dollar and its impact on activity, Goldszer and Ludmer explained that, since it is a dollarized market, in which the buyer already has the dollars, the fluctuations do not have too many consequences . However, they observed, it somewhat equalizes the construction business because it improves costs measured in dollars and thus compensates inflation a little.

Investors and rentals​

For the head of Interwin, rentals are the way in which the new square meters that entered and are still entering the market are channeled. When going into the analysis of the segment, Ludmer explained that the business entered into crisis at the same time that rentals were converted to pesos and “divorced” from the dollarized prices in which the real estate market is expressed.


Miguel Ludmer, director of Interwin Fabian Malavolta

“Today they are presented as a more interesting option ,” she said, referring to the changes brought about by the fall of the last rental law. She also indicated that this is where most of the new meters that enter the market are channeled. The director of Ocampo agreed that the fall of the law, paradoxically, brought “legal security” to the business, in addition to the fact that rent became more attractive. In this context, she explained, there is a client willing to buy “now .

“When investing in a project, you have to look at the developer,” recommended the Interwin executive, addressing those who are thinking of something new and thus channeling an investment. “Afterwards, there are a series of conditions to evaluate, but it is the solidity and track record of the developer and the price-product equation that should be paid attention to,” concluded the executive.
