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Politics What does the official statement that announced the resignation of Nicolás Posse ? - Infobae

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What does the official statement that announced the resignation of Nicolás Posse and the appointment of Guillermo Francos as Chief of Staff say? - Infobae​



May 27, 2024

The official will be replaced by the former Minister of the Interior. Details of the official text

Nicolás Posse resigned from his position as Chief of Staff Photo: Franco Fafasuli

After rumors that spread for days, it was finally known this Monday that the Chief of Staff Nicolás Posse resigned and will be replaced by the Minister of the Interior Guillermo Francos . This was announced by the Government through an official statement issued during the night.

“Today, President Javier Milei accepted the resignation presented by Nicolás Posse to the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers. This decision was motivated by the difference in criteria and expectations in the progress of the Government and the tasks entrusted to it ,” the document states.

And he continues: “Posse will continue to accompany, as from day one, the ideas of freedom, the defense of life and property and the project of a free Argentina, promoted by President Milei. He will do so from a new role, which will be announced in the coming days.”

In addition, it refers to the transition with who until now held the position as minister. “This week there will be progress in an orderly transition together with the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, who will assume the role in charge of the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers. End”, concludes the message.

"This decision was motivated by the difference in criteria and expectations in the progress of the Government and the tasks entrusted to it," states the document issued by the Government.

A few minutes later, from the official X account (former Twitter) of the President's Office, they issued a second statement in which they emphasized the “greater political volume” that the new Chief of Staff, Francos, will contribute.

“The Office of the President informs that Eng. Nicolás Posse presented his resignation to the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Nation,” the document begins.

The statement after the resignation of Nicolás Posse, published in the X account of the President's Office
And he continues: “Dr. Guillermo Francos will assume the position of Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers in order to provide greater political volume to the Chief of Staff. Within this framework, the Headquarters will absorb the powers of the Ministry of the Interior, into an Interior Secretariat, headed by Dr. Lisandro Catalán .”

And he closes: “Francos will contribute his professionalism, experience and political capacity to the Chief of Staff after successfully holding the position of Minister of the Interior, having been one of the architects of the feat that brought Javier Milei to the Presidency, and being recognized by all political forces for their management capacity and consensus .”

"Francos will contribute his professionalism, experience and political capacity to the Chief of Staff after successfully holding the position of Minister of the Interior," indicates the statement from the President's Office Photo: REUTERS/Leandro Bustamante Gomez

Comments about Posse's resignation had been circulating for days. The thing is that the official had been targeted by President Javier Milei, despite the friendly relationship they had maintained for years.

Javier Milei and Nicolás Posse had a friendly relationship for years (Photo: EFE/ Lenin Nolly)

Everything would have started after the separation of the former Minister of Infrastructure, Guillermo Ferraro. Then, the delay in the appointment of certain positions in the public administration that still remain vacant would have had an influence. From that moment on, the tension in the relationship escalated and was reflected on different occasions. In addition, it should be noted that the former official and Karina Milei, sister of the President - and who also serves as the general secretary of the Presidency - had differences in criteria .

“Things are not good between them. There is a lot of anger because they are asked to make decisions that they do not make or make decisions in the opposite direction ,” a qualified source from the national government warned weeks ago.

Nicolás Posse, former government official (Archvo / Courtesy Senate of Argentina)

The acrimony between Milei and Posse became evident when the former Chief of Staff was not at the president's exhibition at the Libertad Foundation. But, to this fact, was added his absence during the presentation of the President's book, which took place at Luna Park, last Wednesday, May 22.

Consequently, after increasing versions about his departure from the cabinet, Nicolás Posse did attend the events commemorating May 25. First, he was present at the tedeum in the Metropolitan Cathedral. And, that same day, he also traveled to the city of Córdoba to witness the event led by the head of state.