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Politics What is the May Council, one of the announcements made by Javier Milei from the Córdoba Council - Infobae

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What is the May Council, one of the announcements made by Javier Milei from the Córdoba Council - Infobae​



May 25, 2024

The President announced that he will launch an organization with representatives of the Executive, governors, deputies, senators, unions and businessmen to prepare bills that promote the application of the May Pact

President Javier Milei announced the May Council (photos Mario Sar)

President Javier Milei announced the launch, once the Bases Law and the fiscal package had been sanctioned, a new entity called the May Council , which will be made up of representatives of politics, businessmen and unions, to propose measures that implement the content of the May Pact. From the Cabildo of Córdoba, the head of state once again called on the governors to sign that agreement.

The president specified that the May Council will be made up of a representative of the National Executive, one of the governors, one of the Senate, another of Deputies, one of the business sector and another of the employer sector. The task that this organization will have will be to propose bills that are in line with the content of the May Pact that it proposed on March 1, at the opening of sessions.


What the May Pact says​

The May Pact

On the first of March of the year of Our Lord 2024, with the representatives of the people gathered in the National Congress, before the gaze of the Eternal, we declare the need for a new founding pact for the Argentine Republic.

The President of the Nation, Javier Milei, calls on the twenty-three provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, to sign on May 25 of this year, in the jurisdiction of Córdoba, the productive heart of our Country, a ten-point agreement that reconstitutes the Bases of Argentina.

These guidelines will be subject to the prior approval of the presented “Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines” and a new fiscal pact.

1. The inviolability of private property.

2. The non-negotiable fiscal balance.

3. The reduction of public spending to historical levels, around 25% of the Gross Domestic Product.

4. A tax reform that reduces tax pressure, simplifies the lives of Argentines and promotes trade.

5. The rediscussion of federal tax sharing to end forever the current extortionate model.

6. A commitment by the provinces to advance the exploitation of the country's natural resources.

7. A modern labor reform that promotes formal work.

8. A pension reform that gives sustainability to the system, respects those who contributed and allows those who prefer to subscribe to a private retirement system.

9. A structural political reform that modifies the current system and realigns the interests of the representatives and those represented.

10. Opening to international trade, so that Argentina once again becomes a protagonist in the global market.

God bless all Argentines and grant us the wisdom and strength necessary to overcome the challenges we face as a society, and build a prosperous future for our Nation. May the Forces of Heaven be with us.

Javier Gerardo Milei

President of the Nation.

Euphoria. President Milei greets the people who came to listen to him at the Cabildo

When the May Pact was announced​

The May Pact was a proposal presented by President Javier Milei on March 1, 2024, the day of the opening of ordinary sessions in the National Congress. Before deputies, senators, authorities and special guests, the president proposed to the political class a series of agreements to sign and “refound” Argentina.

“In the first opening of sessions of our administration, I want to call on both governors and former presidents and leaders of the main political parties, to lay down our personal interests and meet on May 25, in the province of Córdoba, for the signing of a new social contract called the May Pact: a social contract that establishes the 10 principles of the new Argentine economic order,” Javier Milei said that day.

The first president spoke of the May Pact in Córdoba

Why the May Pact was not signed​

The May Pact was not signed until May 25, because the Chamber of Deputies gave half-sanction to the Base Law and the fiscal package, but the Chamber of Senators is still debating it in committee and demands a series of changes, both in the Incentive Regime for Large Investors (RIGI) as well as in the tax issue and in various articles.

As Milei himself stated, the ten points of the May Pact could be signed once both laws were approved. Like the decision of the Senate, where the opposition has a comfortable majority and will make several changes to the text that came from Deputies, the initiatives must return to the Chamber of origin and be debated again. If it is approved without changes, it is approved, but if not it must return to the Senate. Because of this open scenario - and with an uncertain ending - the Pact was left unapproved.