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Apartment Rental Which neighborhoods can earn you more if you rent a property? - La Nacion Propiedades



Which neighborhoods can earn you more if you rent a property? - La Nacion Propiedades​



September 09, 2024

There are many people interested in investing in a property to later offer it for rent; find out the income that a property generates today and how long you have to wait to recover the investment.

By Maria Josefina Lanzi


If you want to invest in a property, it is a good idea to know which neighborhoods offer the most profitability.Patricio Pidal

Investing in real estate can be a good option to make your assets yield profits , as well as a form of safekeeping of value, something that Argentines have traditionally used when living in a country characterized by economic fluctuations. But how many years does it currently take to recover the investment made in a property, in order to use it for rent?

The latest report from Zonaprop in CABA, which takes data from August, indicates that 23.3 years of rent are needed to repay the initial investment , a figure that implies 25.9% more than what was necessary a year ago. The profitability in August in the City was 4.29% annually, while a year ago that number was 5.4% (that is, 18.5 years of recovery).


Palermo is the neighborhood that leaves the least profitability Gerardo Viercovich - THE NATION

Architect José Rozados, director of Reporte Inmobiliario , explains that the annual gross rent is a primary indicator of real estate profitability that is calculated considering the annual rental income in relation to the market value of the property . “In this sense, and particularly in our country’s market, where the rental of an apartment is mostly in pesos and the sale in dollars, the evolution of the exchange rate at each moment of the profitability measurement is relevant. In this case, the decrease in profitability occurs because the sale value of the property - a product of exchange rate devaluations - grew more than the value of the rents, which had an impact on the decrease in rent,” explains the architect.

Martín Boquete, director of Toribio Achával, believes that it is difficult to have reliable information on rental and sales prices in Argentina, so 4.29% is an approximate percentage. In any case, he shares Rozados' view and assures that "compared to last year, the sale prices of properties have been rising slightly and, to the extent that the rental price has not risen, this means that the profitability in dollars is lower than last year."

Which neighborhoods offer the highest profitability?

For those interested in investing, it is essential to know which neighborhoods offer the highest returns. Lugano, La Boca and Parque Avellaneda are the best options, with a return of 6.5%, 5.7% and 5.3%, respectively. These are neighborhoods where the profitability is higher because the sale value of the homes rose less than the growth in rents ,” explains Rozados.


In August, it took 23.3 years of rent to repay the initial investmentZonaprop

On the other hand, Palermo is the neighbourhood with the lowest profitability, 3.5% . Puerto Madero (3.5%) and Belgrano (3.6%) follow on the podium . These are, in short, the neighbourhoods where the rents offered are the most expensive on the market, but also where the properties that defend the highest values are found.

How much have properties increased in the last month?

Property sales prices rose 0.6% in August compared to July and have accumulated a 5.7% increase so far this year . The average price is US$2,301/m², 7% above the minimum recorded in June 2023, although it is still 17.8% below the maximum reached in March 2019.


For those interested in investing, it is essential to know which neighborhoods offer the highest profitability.

Apartments in condos are those that have seen the greatest increase so far this year. Building today costs 2.5 times what it cost in October 2020 - the lowest in the series - and 9.3% above the 2012-2023 average, according to the latest Zonaprop survey.

The neighborhoods that had the highest sales prices in the city of Buenos Aires are Puerto Madero (US$5938/m²), Palermo (US$3194/m²) and Belgrano (US$2992/m² ). On the other hand, the neighborhoods that had the lowest prices on the market are Lugano (US$995/m²), Nueva Pompeya (US$1390/m²) and Villa Riachuelo (US$1426/m²).
