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Politics Which projects in the “anti-caste” package announced by Milei gather the most consensus and which would be rejected - Infobae


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Which projects in the “anti-caste” package announced by Milei gather the most consensus and which would be rejected - Infobae​



March 07, 2024

The President announced eight measures during his speech in Congress. Almost a week later, no details are known and the dialogue opposition blocks are being handled with caution.

By Federico Millenaar

President Javier Milei at the opening of ordinary sessions

At the opening of ordinary sessions Javier Milei made several announcements that sought to achieve a high political impact. One of them was the announcement of a “ package of anti-caste laws ,” which according to the President himself would end “the privileges of politics and her friends .”

Almost a week later, no details of the proposals listed in Congress have yet emerged and the dialogue opposition is very cautious: “We have to wait to know the fine print , just like with the Omnibus Law,” deputies repeat almost in unison. from different benches.

However, some of the postulates have already generated resistance and given the minority position of the ruling party in the Chamber of Deputies, it is difficult for them to prosper if the Government finally decides to hold the debate.

Eliminating public financing of political parties is one of the stinging points. The libertarians had already raised the issue within the Base Law in the chapter on political reform , which was one of the first to fall due to the depth of the reforms it proposed, such as the adoption of the single-member constituency system and the modification of the number of seats in Congress.

In Argentina, Law No. 26,215 stipulates that the State must guarantee funds so that all parties can compete under conditions of relative equality and also sets limits on private contributions . The ruling party would seek to end public financing and release private contributions. “Each party will have to finance itself with voluntary contributions from donors or its own affiliates,” Milei said.

Miguel Ángel Pichetto, president of We Make the Federal Coalition (Gustavo Gavotti)

From the Civic Coalition , almost immediately after the speech, they clarified that “a model like the North American one where there are no limits to private contributions means that only the rich can do politics or what they do a lot of lobbying.”

They also pointed out that it facilitates the infiltration of drug trafficking into the political system. “We are going to end up like Mexico,” they warned Infobae . Along the same lines, from radicalism there were also voices that raised doubts. “Private financing without regulations costs Argentines more expensive, because they later pay for it in decisions purchased by companies ,” they summarized.

Without the majority support of radicalism and the We Make Federal Coalition bloc, libertarians will face a complex panorama to be able to approve this point. A red , according to the use of traffic light colors that became popular during the negotiations of the Omnibus Law.

Another proposal that aroused suspicion was to penalize officials who finance the fiscal deficit with monetary emission. But particularly the idea of equating this new crime with crimes against humanity so that they become imprescriptible. “ It is nonsense to compare it with crimes against humanity ,” said a representative of the bloc led by Miguel Ángel Pichetto. In harmony, from radicalism they proposed that it is a “ trivialization ” of a very delicate issue for Argentine history.

Rodrigo De Loredo, president of the UCR block
However, a negotiation door remains open, since both spaces agreed on the need to guarantee the independence of the Central Bank so that financing the Treasury is not a discretionary policy of the government in power. A much less drastic measure but that aims at the same objective: combating inflation. Ultimately, this point remains yellow .

On the other hand, many believe that some issues will inevitably end up judicialized even if the bills are approved. For example, discounting the working day for State employees who go on strike as this could conflict with the right to strike.

Something similar could happen with the initiative so that agreements by company or groups of companies take precedence over collective agreements in the sector. Argentina has extensive jurisprudence on labor law and this jurisdiction was even the first to suspend part of the mega DNU. Also yellow .

There is a lot of smoke in that announcement ,” ironically summarized a radicalist deputy who was not opposed to reducing the number of legislators' advisors, although he clarified that the same measure can be taken administratively “without making a big show of it.” .

Something similar occurs with the elimination of privilege retirements for Presidents and Vice Presidents. “It is for the tribune, but it can come out,” they pointed out and recalled that a law that had the same spirit was already approved in the province of Buenos Aires for the retirements of former governors during the administration of María Eugenia Vidal. Both have a clear, green path .

Finally, the two points with the greatest consensus are the “democratization” of the unions and the “clean record” project . The first states that union elections must be periodic and supervised by the Electoral Justice, and mandates are limited to four years with a limit of one re-election. The second, meanwhile, seeks to ensure that people convicted of corruption in the second instance cannot present themselves as candidates.

Both the PRO and radicalism have presented projects in this sense in recent years that never prospered. With the push of the libertarians this time they could reach the medium sanction. Green.

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