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Economy Who are the 4 businessmen who are part of the Council of Economic Advisors of Javier Milei - Infobae

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Who are the 4 businessmen who are part of the Council of Economic Advisors of Javier Milei - Infobae​



April 09, 2024

The President mentioned them yesterday, in an interview, along with a series of economists. The group is led by Demian Reidel

By Sebastian Catalano

President Javier Milei (Juan Ignacio Roncoroni)

“I am the president and I have 8 ministries,” said President Javier Milei , in the middle of an extensive interview with Alejandro Fantino . He did it to explain the verticality of his administration, the different “layers” of economic management and how the group of advisors that surrounds him works. Among them he named four businessmen, most of whom were unknown until now.

“The discussion of the situation is with Luis “Toto” Caputo , Santiago Bausili and Pablo Quirno . Three brilliant guys, good people,” said the president about the Minister of Economy, the president of the BCRA and the Secretary of Finance.

Then, he listed, there are the “architects of structural reforms, those who create the new liberal architecture.” In that step he mentioned Federico Sturzenegger and the Secretary of Energy Eduardo Rodríguez Chirillo . “Fabulous, brilliant people,” he defined.

Finally, said the President, there is the line of “structural discussion”, his Council of Economic Advisors chaired by Demian Reidel.
Demian Reidel

Reidel , who was once a candidate for the BCRA, has an enviable CV: he graduated as a physicist from the Balseiro Institute, has a master's degree in financial mathematics from the University of Chicago and a doctorate in Economics from Harvard University, where he was also investigator.

This ad honorem group will seek to emerge long-term initiatives and, where possible, the theoretical and political framework of laws that aspire to long-term reforms.

It is made up of a group of economists, as Milei mentioned. For example, Miguel Boggiano (Financial Letter), Ramiro Castiñeira , Fausto Spotorno (OJF) and Ariel Coremberg. Ramiro Marra would also be part of it , although he did not name him on this occasion.

Boggiano , master of Economics from the University of Chicago and CEO of Carta Financiera, who thanked through his social network account presidential style—an approving republication by Milei.

“I am very happy, very honored with this proposal,” said Boggiano in conversation with Infobae . “We are going to have a space to discuss long-term growth policies. Milei thinks about this because he, above all, is a growth specialist,” he noted.

“The expectation is that many of these things, or many of the ideas that we can discuss, can eventually be transformed into laws. But, of course, for that, I think Argentina would have to have another conformation in Congress, because to seriously grow radical reforms are needed. And I imagine the Council thinking about radical and truly bold reforms, even revolutionary, I dare say. And that is a real shake-up for the status quo,” added the economist with a long career in the financial sector.

For now it is a group “in formation”, with members who held talks, especially on WhatsApp with Milei, and with Reidel as a vector.

Last week there was a meeting of seven members and then a few more joined. Several of them already worked for LLA, especially in the organization of the supervision of the presidential election and other campaign actions. Reidel is the group's sole spokesperson.

As stated, Milei also mentioned four businessmen who accompany him. These are the profiles of the businessmen who make up the council, according to the president.

Alec Oxenford​

Alec Oxenford

He is one of Argentina's unicorn entrepreneurs (those who created companies that are worth or were worth more than USD 1 billion). A dotcom entrepreneur, he founded companies such as DeRemate, OLX and Letgo.

He studied at the UCA and Harvard and was president of the arteBA Foundation. He is an art collector and has lived in Brazil for several years, where he continues to invest in technological projects.

Oxenford defines himself as liberal and in recent months he had several conversations with Milei. In 1999 he was a substitute candidate for Buenos Aires legislator for Acción por la República, the party of the former Minister of Economy of Carlos Menem and Fernando de la Rúa and he was also very close to Juan Carlos Blumberg . Two experiences from which he did not come out satisfied. He later participated in the Sophia Group and other groups around Mauricio Macri (he was María Eugenia Vidal 's first boss ).

He has been living in Brazil for several years and is dedicated to technology investments in the United States and also his collection of Argentine contemporary art.

Eduardo Bastitta Harriet​

Eduardo Bastitta

He is the co-founder of Plaza Logística and after being CEO for several years he now serves as a member of the company's board of directors.

He studied Business Economics at the Di Tella University and worked in Quilmes.

According to his profile on Endeavor, the entrepreneur network of which he is a member, “in 2006 he resigned and decided to dedicate himself fully to his own businesses, including Capone, Argentina's first home delivery service for drinks and snacks, which had to close due to informal competition. After this frustration, in 2008 Eduardo contemplated moving to the United States, but finally, together with his co-founding partner Benjamin Griswold , they decided to stay to create a real asset platform that could transform logistics operations in LatAm, thus Plaza Logística was born in 2009. ″.

He is also the promoter of the +Colonia project that foresees the expansion of the city on a property of more than 500 hectares, with a coastline of seven kilometers on the Río de la Plata, located between Ferrando beach and the Laguna de los Patos airport. in Colonia, Uruguay.

“Very honored and happy to be able to contribute a grain of sand. I believe that we are on the verge of a historic turning point for Agentina and that for all of us who have the opportunity to lend a hand it is a blessing and a responsibility,” said Bastitta in dialogue with Infobae from the US.

Teddy Karagozian​

Teddy Karagozian
A reference in the textile industry, Karagozian is an economist and president of TN&Platex, a company that was born in 1979 and has eight industrial plants, a distribution center and administrative offices distributed in six provinces, 180,000 productive m2 and 1,750 employees. He is the creator of the Pro-Tejer foundation.

He is the author of Tax Revolution and Backpack Argentina . In this last book he deploys his idea of labor reform for the country, the cornerstone of which is the “Compensation Guarantee Insurance”, a fund that will be made up of contributions from companies managed by Anses, the Insurance Superintendence and an entity of control.

“Whether employees resign or are fired with or without cause, they will always collect the entire amount of their compensation in monthly installments equivalent to their last updated salary. That is why they will no longer need to resort to lawyers. And they will also carry their seniority from company to company: just like in a backpack,” explains the summary of the work.

Sebastian Braun​

Sebastian Braun

He is one of the members of the family that owns La Anónima and a shareholder in Banco Galicia, although he does not participate in those businesses.

He is an entrepreneur in the agricultural sector and manages an investment fund in that sector based abroad, although in the last 20 years he has turned to participate in many companies, both in the sector and in other sectors including technology, hospitality and fintech, in some cases as co-founder and in other cases as seed investor .

He is the cousin of Marcos Peña , former Chief of Staff of former President Mauricio Macri .

He was one of the contributors to the La Libertad Avanza campaign, with $15 million, and was present on one of the balconies of Congress when Milei took office.