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Politics Who is “Tango”, the picker of the USD 54 thousand: properties, management of funds, and a truck in the name of a rocker - Infobae

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Who is “Tango”, the picker of the USD 54 thousand: properties, management of funds, and a truck in the name of a rocker - Infobae​



May 19, 2024

María Isolda Dotti is a leader of the Polo Obrero and one of the defendants in the case investigated by judge Sebastián Casanello and prosecutor Gerardo Pollicita. How she justifies the money she had under the mattress. Her connection to the funds of a key cooperative

By Nicolas Pizzi

Dotti says the money seized from his house comes from an inheritance.

María Isolda Dotti is a leader of the Polo Obrero . Her classmates know her as “Tango,” a nickname she has had since adolescence. This week she was in the news for a less picturesque event: in her two-bedroom apartment, in Chiclana at 3000, the Police found $54,448 . The money was hidden under her bed, along with a deed of sale. After the scandal, Dotti publicly said that “everything is justified . ” For investigators, the evidence is not enough to justify such an amount. And even less so from a leader who had access to the funds provided by the State.

It is my family's inheritance ,” Dotti began by saying in the media. In an interview with Crónica TV, she clarified that in reality “more than half” of the money would be justified by a writing that was under her bed. In another radio intervention, she added that this deed corresponds to an apartment belonging to her grandparents “sold at the end of last year.” “ In the title I appear as heir to that department, of the percentage that was my share,” she added.

The rest of the money? The leader of the Polo Obrero assures that another part of the dollars, she never clarifies how many, come from “another apartment that I sold with a brother.” For investigators, however, these documents would not be enough to justify the money. “We cannot know that the money supposedly in the deeds is the same as what was in the house,” a judicial source told this medium. For this reason, the Prosecutor's Office will ask that the money continue to be seized.

The leader of the Polo Obrero tried to justify the money found in her house

Dotti spoke of two properties sold, but official records only show one transaction from September 26, 2023. The buyer was a citizen of Chinese nationality. The problem for Dotti is that this writing, according to reports accessed by Infobae, was done for just 120 thousand pesos, far from the 54,448 that were under his bed.

The lawyers representing the Partido Obrero and the other organizations involved in the alleged threats and extortion have already appeared in the file and asked to annul all the raids. Regarding the dollars seized from Dotti, defense sources told this medium that “in the sequestration certificate there is the succession item and the deed of the sale of the properties.” And they added: “She is heir to some properties along with her brothers. When the properties were sold, the money was divided.”

The details of the raids ordered by Judge Casanello.

The case involving Dotti and 27 other people began in December, with a complaint from the Ministry of National Security, based on 924 complaints received on line 134. Of that total, only 45 that would have occurred in the Federal Capital. The file progressed in silence, with wiretapping and other evidence, and was only known this Monday, when Infobae anticipated that multiple raids were being carried out to find dozens of picketers accused of extorting beneficiaries of social plans .

In addition to Dotti, and Jeremiah Canteros , the second of Eduardo Belliboni, also indicted are Elizabeth Palma, Giana Lucia Puppo, Cinthia Delgado, Gustavo Vasquez, Dina Iramain, Brisa Paucara, Ronald Vargas, Ivan Candotti, Lorenzo Martelli, Mercedes Fossat, Manuel Alonzo, Maria Cecilia Cowper, Carlos Ignatius Fernandez Kostiuk, Nilsa Elena Torres, Leslie Castillo, Blanca Beatriz Chuquimia Tarquino, Gloria Santa Jaramillo Morales, Gloria Estrada, Emmanuel Barriento, Tania Cassamello, Jorge Antonio Rosa and Duña Fiorely Saucedo Arias, among others.

The case has now entered into summary secrecy so that new evidence is not leaked. For this reason, no one wants to give details of the raids last Monday.

"Tango" managed an account at Banco Ciudad of the El Resplandor cooperative.

At Dotti's house, in addition to the dollars, the Police took 478 thousand pesos, a cell phone, and a sales ticket. In her defense, the PO leader assured that the money comes from a middle-class family. “My father was a renowned intellectual, he has already passed away. He was the holder of the chair of Political Philosophy at the UBA. He gave talks outside. I am lucky to inherit what he left me,” she told the media.

Dotti was targeted because she managed a bank account for the “El Resplandor” cooperative, which is a central part of the investigation. According to the file, “Tango” “was president of the entity — from its founding in 2010 until July 2022 — and continues with representation functions before different organizations” such as AFIP or INAES.

That cooperative, according to official data accessed by Infobae , purchased in May of last year an Iveco truck, domain AG021OU, which was located on 15 de Noviembre Street at 1800. One of those authorized to drive that vehicle is Rubén Darío Navarro, a former employee of the Chamber of Deputies of the province of Buenos Aires and the national Congress. The other authorized person, with a blue card, is Hernán Carlos de Vega, founder of the rock group “Las Manos de Filipi” and a renowned member of the Partido Obrero.

The El Resplandor cooperative purchased an Iveco, Dailey 35-150 truck.

In the case, Dotti was targeted for her strategic role in the “El Resplandor” cooperative and is accused of participating in the threats against some of the attendees of the “Mariano Ferreyra” dining room, located within the 1-11-14 villa. “At the meetings Gianni (for Gianna Puppo) and Tango (for Dotti) they yelled and threatened in a violent way to the members of the dining room that if they did not go to the marches they would take away the Empower Work Plan,” declared a witness in the file. .

Like other members of the organization with “managerial” roles, Dotti's phone was tapped for several days.

Despite the role assigned to her by the investigators, the PO leader never played a leading role in the successive disputes with officials, national or Buenos Aires, over the funds of social organizations. “She was never a valid intermediary or interlocutor, that role was always Jeremías (Cantero) ,” said a former Buenos Aires official who knows all the social leaders.

Cantero is Eduardo Belliboni's right-hand man and was an official at the Ministry of Social Development of the Nation. Like “Tango,” he now says that it is all part of “political persecution.”

The cause carried out by Casanello and Pollicita is not the only one. Judge Ariel Lijo, the candidate for the Supreme Court, has another mega case with more than 1,000 calls to 134. And there are dozens of files scattered throughout the interior of the country. The avalanche of complaints over the handling of the plans is not new. In 2022, when Juan Zabaleta was in charge of the Ministry of Social Development, there were also complaints to 0800 . The difference was that at that moment they all went through the filter of Emilio Pérsico , the man who was on both sides of the counter.