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Politics With Javier Milei in Spain, Pedro Sánchez described him as a leader of the “far-right international” - Infobae

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With Javier Milei in Spain, Pedro Sánchez described him as a leader of the “far-right international” - Infobae​



May 18, 2024

The President of the Spanish Government assured that the Argentine president is one of the main leaders of a current of "denial of science and women's rights." He criticized the summit organized by Vox

The official's statements are related to the event called by the Spanish party Vox, where the president is one of the foreign guests.

The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, reignited the controversy against Javier Milei today, after describing him as one of the “main leaders” of the “far-right international.” Along these lines, he indicated that this current denies science, women's rights and equates social justice with "an aberration", in relation to the statements of his Argentine counterpart.

In a political event held in Barcelona, the socialist leader also referred to the “Live Europe 24” summit of the Spanish party VOX, where the president is one of the foreign guests: “Why have they chosen Spain to meet all of them? It's not by chance. They have met in Spain because we represent as a society, not as a Government, everything that they detest and hate, which is feminism, which is social justice, which is labor dignity, a strong Welfare State, democracy."

And this Sunday, Milei will give a speech at the meeting starting at 8:30 a.m. Other guests are Marine Le Pen , member of the French National Assembly and candidate for the presidency of that country; André Ventura , president of Portugal's Chega party; the Minister of Diaspora Affairs of Israel and combat against Anti-Semitism, Amichai Chikl, and the Chilean deputy and leader of the Republican Party, José Antonio Kast . The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán , and the Prime Minister of Italy, Georgia Meloni, will also participate via teleconference.

Today the president held a meeting with Spanish businessmen (X)

The president arrived in Spain this Friday on a visit in which he has not scheduled official meetings with representatives of the Spanish Government. Yesterday he presented his book “The Way of the Libertarian” in Madrid at the headquarters of the newspaper La Razón , of the Planeta Group, and, before a packed auditorium, he left several political and economic definitions with strong criticism of the opposition and the inheritance received. Among other things, he confirmed that he will close the Central Bank, spoke about currency competition in line with Luis Caputo and said that he will lift the exchange rate.

Today, meanwhile, he held a meeting with Spanish businessmen with interests in Argentina, which he described as “fabulous.” The meeting took place this morning at the residence of the Argentine ambassador to Spain, Roberto Bosch, and was attended by the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei.

As for business leaders, authorities from the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) and executives from Santander, Telefónica, Abertis, BBVA, Día, Iberia, Naturgy, Mapfre, Ecoener, Rothschild & Co España, UNIR, AB Living, Consello Group and UNIR.

Yesterday he presented his book “The Way of the Libertarian” in Madrid at the headquarters of the newspaper La Razón, from Grupo Planeta (REUTERS/Violeta Santos Moura)

"This meeting has been a very relevant step to strengthen bilateral relations between Argentina and Spain, laying the foundations for future collaborations and joint projects that will promote economic development and prosperity in both countries," they expressed from the Spokesperson.

According to a statement, during the meeting the president spoke about the Government's efforts to confront the "fiscal deficit, inflation and poverty" and detailed the "proactive actions" to attract foreign investments. Meanwhile, businessmen expressed their interest in “exploring new investment opportunities” in the country, motivated by the “course chosen” by Argentina since the beginning of its presidency and the “guarantees offered in terms of long-term vision, stability economic and regulatory transparency”.

This Saturday during the Spanish afternoon, Milei will also meet with the leader of Vox, whom he considers a “friend” and “great human being,” as he said yesterday. “You have to be a grateful person. When no one loved me, the only one who hugged me was Santiago Abascal. Therefore, it was a moral imperative to participate in the event,” she said at the presentation of her book.