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Politics With the Bases Law bogged down, the Government adds Victoria Villarruel to the negotiations in the Senate - Infobae

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With the Bases Law bogged down, the Government adds Victoria Villarruel to the negotiations in the Senate - Infobae​



May 16, 2024

The Vice President did not participate in the conversations. Minister Francos and Undersecretary Rolandi were in her office and joined her, seeking to unblock a ruling. Meetings with the opposition

By David Cayon

The vice president will join the negotiations to achieve the opinion of the base law (Reuters)

The senators resume the discussion in the plenary session of the commission for the Base Law with very little chance that the ruling party will obtain the desired objective, which is to rule and go to the premises next week.

Midway through the day, and after several rumors of a possible ruling were quickly discarded, the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos , and the Deputy Chief of Staff, José Rolandi, appeared in the office of the presidency of the Upper House . The men in charge of carrying out the negotiations with the opposition and who were unable to unblock the discussion met with Victoria Villarruel to ask her to join the negotiating team of La Libertad Avanza.

“Until now I had not been aware of the negotiations,” said sources close to the Vice President of the Nation. “It is a tool that could have been used from day one but was not being used. She was not in the negotiations, now they asked her for collaboration,” she added.

Villarruel joined the conversations ten days later, which also shows that not everyone in the Casa Rosada trusts the vice president. At least for this type of activities.

Image of a meeting between Vice President Villarruel and the governor of San Luis, Claudio Poggi. Provincial heads play a key role in the Senate

The Casa Rosada's request to add the Vice President after two weeks of debate without any results and with several criticisms of the projects shows the search to reverse the weakness shown in the conversations with the blocs. “Villarruel managed to establish a good dialogue with the majority,” explained sources with access to the office on the first floor of the Senate of the Nation.

After the meeting in which the Vice President formally joined the negotiating team, PRO senator Guadalupe Tagliaferri entered the office; the only legislator from the yellow bloc who has been critical of RIGI and money laundering among other items, beginning the conversations between the president of the Senate and the opposition.

A meeting is scheduled for this afternoon between Villarruel and the radical senators Martín Lousteau and Maximiliano Abad, two other legislators who are critical of the projects but who, like Tagliaferri, proposed modifications.

Regarding this point, that of the modifications, the critical but dialogue-oriented senators are waiting for the Casa Rosada to make some return on the proposals made.

But the die has already been cast and this week the ruling party will not have the necessary opinions to go to the premises next week and arrive on May 25 with the Base Law and the approved fiscal package. “With luck, the wind is in our favor, and some result of the negotiations, we would only be able to go to the venue in two weeks,” acknowledged an LLA legislator.

Guillermo Francos, José Rolandi and Lule Menem, in a Senate box. Officials try to articulate negotiations to obtain an opinion on the Bases Law

No sector of the opposition will accompany with their signature since they are all negotiating and criticizing La Libertad Avanza for how they are handling it. “You pass corrections and they don't come back from Casa Rosada. It is impossible to obtain an opinion today. The Patagonians do not support half of the things and the blocs that previously seemed divided today became entrenched in the discussion,” the same senator acknowledged to Infobae .

What the ruling party seeks, and what legislators from the dialogue sectors hope that LLA understands, is that a rejection of some central article could mean that the law falls. “If the 13 radicals vote against you, plus the 33 from UP, plus someone from another bloc, you could have 48 or more votes against and that would make it impossible for you to replace it in the Deputies,” they noted.

The reasoning is simple, if something is voted with a simple majority in the Senate, Deputies can insist on the original text with the same simple majority. If it is rejected by two-thirds, the ruling party would have to get the same amount in the Lower House, something that seems impossible today.

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