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Politics With the support of the CGT, the aeronautical unions intensify their fight with the Government and define a new 24 or 48 hour strike - Infobae

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With the support of the CGT, the aeronautical unions intensify their fight with the Government and define a new 24 or 48 hour strike -Infobae



September 10, 2024

This afternoon they will participate in a meeting of the CGT Board of Directors with PJ governors, where support will emerge in the face of the wage conflict. Tomorrow they will hold a joint assembly in which they will decide the scope of the strike.

By Ricardo Carpena

The aviation strike last Friday left 15,000 passengers stranded at Aeroparque and Ezeiza (Photo by Adrián Escándar)

The aeronautical unions decided to toughen their confrontation with the Government over the wage dispute they have with Aerolíneas Argentinas: this afternoon they will join a meeting of the CGT with governors of the PJ, who will give them their political support, and this Wednesday they will hold a joint assembly in which a new strike of 24 or 48 hours will be resolved to be carried out immediately.

The union resolution is a direct consequence of Aerolíneas' announcement that it will sue the pilots' and cabin crew's unions for the recent strikes that affected its operations and caused losses of more than 2 million dollars . In addition to the lawsuit for lost profits and the claims of affected passengers, the main union representatives will be sued: Pablo Biró , general secretary of the Airline Pilots Association (APLA), and Juan Pablo Brey , leader of the Argentine Association of Flight Attendants ( AAA ). Aerolíneas Argentinas will also initiate legal action to expel Biró from its board of directors, arguing that his public and union actions have been disloyal and detrimental to the interests of the company.

The aeronautical unionists Ruben Fernandez, Juan Pablo Brey, Pablo Biró, Edgardo Llano and Paola Barrita

These two unions will hold a joint workers' meeting on Wednesday at 11:30 a.m., together with the Association of Aeronautical Personnel (APA) , the Union of Hierarchical Personnel (UPSA) and ATE ANAC (National Civil Aviation Administration), to analyze the conflict and debate the continuation of the strike: APLA and AAA will propose to immediately carry out a 24 or 48 hour strike, a decision that will take the fight they are maintaining with the Government to the limit .

Brey, who is part of the CGT secretariat, with Biró and Rubén Fernández (UPSA) as guests, will participate this afternoon, from 3:30 p.m., in a meeting of the CGT Board of Directors with PJ governors such as Axel Kicillof (Buenos Aires), Gildo Insfrán (Formosa), Raúl Jalil (Catamarca), Ricardo Quintela (La Rioja), Sergio Ziliotto (La Pampa) and Gustavo Melella (Tierra del Fuego).

The meeting, which will take place at the CGT headquarters at Azopardo 802, was scheduled to analyze the political and socioeconomic situation of the country , but the presence of the aeronautical unionists will be used to express the CGT's support in the difficult conflict they are going through.

Pablo Moyano, from the CGT, with PJ governors such as Axel Kicillof, Ricardo Quintela and Gustavo Melella

Pilots and airmen are the two unions in the sector that were freed from taking action after the legal deadlines for negotiating within the mandatory conciliation expired. This Monday, the Association of Aeronautical Personnel (APA) canceled the information meetings that it was going to hold from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Aeroparque and Ezeiza, with an impact on the activities of the state company Intercargo, after the Ministry of Labor issued the mandatory conciliation, which obliges them not to protest and to begin negotiations for 15 days, with the possibility of extending it for 5 more days.

Following the 9-hour strike carried out by APLA and AA last Friday, which left 15,000 passengers without flights at Ezeiza and Aeroparque, the Government decided to regulate the essentiality of public and private aeronautical, civil, commercial aeronautical activity throughout the national territory to guarantee its continued operation through the definition of the minimum services that must be maintained.

The measure was implemented by the Ministry of Human Capital after "it was confirmed that, after the strike (on Friday) of the APLA and AAA aviation sector unions, minimum services that should be provided within the framework of the essentiality provided for in Article 2 of Law 17,285" of the National Aeronautical Code were not guaranteed . "From Human Capital we seek to care for and defend the thousands of Argentines who are affected every time force measures are defined in this sector," said the Secretary of Labor, Julio Cordero.

The regulation of the essentiality of the aeronautical service was rejected by the aeronautical unions, who considered that the Government's decision is "arbitrary and illegal" and, in that sense, warned that "it compromises the administrative and criminal responsibility of the officials."

The aeronautical unions are engaged in a wage dispute with Aerolíneas and Intercargo, demanding a 25% wage increase , while the offer they had until now was 10%.