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Politics Without diplomatic contacts or truces, the Government believes that Milei's fight with Pedro Sánchez expires on June 9 - Infobae

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Without diplomatic contacts or truces, the Government believes that Milei's fight with Pedro Sánchez expires on June 9 - Infobae​



May 23, 2024

In the Casa Rosada they evaluate that the Spanish president uses the conflict with Argentina to save his internal front and add volume in the face of the European Parliament elections. In Madrid they are not analyzing new measures.

By Robertino Sánchez Flecha

avier Milei and Pedro Sánchez seek to put a stop to the escalation of tension

President Javier Milei turned the page regarding the conflict with Spain unleashed by his verbal exchange with Pedro Sánchez , president of that country. The spotlight shifted to Luna Park for the show he gave last night to present his latest book. In his long intervention in the legendary Buenos Aires theater, he only made an indirect allusion to the subject in a joking tone. “ Mondino is going to ask me for overtime ,” the head of state said ironically in relation to the matter. Buenos Aires will not make political gestures to Moncloa, but it will not insist with attacks to deepen the brawl

The Argentine Government is convinced that Pedro Sánchez used the verbal exchange with Milei to save its internal front and add volume in the face of the European Parliament elections . Those elections begin on June 6. They end on June 9 , the day on which Spain will elect 61 of the 705 seats up for grabs among the 27 states of the European Union.

Moncloa polarized through Milei with Vox, the hard-right party led by Santiago Abascal . It is a way to gain loyalty from one's own, but also to pierce the Popular Party , the center-right space with the greatest electoral power at the moment.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo , president of the Popular Party and deputy of the Parliament of Spain, spoke harshly yesterday during a legislative questioning of Sánchez about the conflict with Argentina. His message went viral. A way to diminish the moment of success that Vox is experiencing from the fight between Milei and the head of the Spanish Government. In the PSOE they know that directly contrasting with Abascal is a way to limit the power and arrival of the PP.

In Buenos Aires they do not ignore these details and evaluate that the conflict will not deepen because the expiration date is June 9. That day Spaniards will vote to elect representatives to the European Parliament. Neither Argentina nor Spain have room to break the diplomatic or commercial relationship . Therefore, with the European electoral process diluted, this problem will enter archival territory.

At the moment, Diana Mondino , Milei's Minister of Foreign Affairs, has not yet communicated with Juan Manuel Albares , her Spanish counterpart. And vice versa. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Moncloa even ratified yesterday the decision to permanently withdraw the Spanish ambassador in Argentina.

Javier Milei during the presentation of his book last night at Luna Park

The chancellor did not execute diplomacy to intercede. She abided by Milei's political will. The issue was as useful to the Argentine Government as it was to Pedro Sánchez. Tie? Both presidents took advantage of the conflict. The Spanish to move the focus of the internal front. The leader of La Libertad Advances for the same reason and, at the same time, to strengthen his figure at a global level. After the crossing with Madrid, Milei considered that he is the “ greatest exponent of freedom worldwide .”

At one point, there was speculation that Pedro Sánchez might declare Milei persona non grata . As a way to hinder the Argentine president's entry into Spain. Next month he plans another trip to Madrid to receive an award from a liberal forum. In any case, Moncloa rejected that possibility. As Infobae learned, the Spanish Government will let the issue “ fade away ” as the days go by without applying any type of retraction or diplomatic truce.

As this media reported, Milei is completely sure that the altercation with Sánchez does not affect the commercial relationship with Spain , the main European investor in Argentina. At the same time, the Foreign Ministry also knows that this tension between presidents does not imply geopolitical costs either .

Pedro Sánchez, president of Spain, was questioned yesterday in the Spanish Parliament (REUTERS/Violeta Santos Moura)

Spain is one of Argentina's 10 main trading partners . Between investments and exports, the balance is around 4.00 million dollars with a surplus for Buenos Aires. The European country is among the 10 main destinations for Argentine exports , it is the second largest contributor of Foreign Direct Investments.

Milei rules out that the verbal exchange with Sánchez has a commercial correlation. Despite the public positioning of the Spanish Business Chamber and a group of Spanish companies, which questioned her attitude. In Balcarce 50 and in the Foreign Ministry they evaluate that relations between both nations “ are not at risk . ”

As proof of this, the Foreign Ministry is organizing during these hours the preparation for the meeting of the European Union - Argentina Joint Commission . The summit will take place on July 1. Bi-regional topics of interest will be discussed. According to what this media learned, the presence of representatives from Spain is planned.

Diana Mondino, Foreign Minister of Argentina, met in February with José Manuel Albares, Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain

As this media learned, the meeting of the Joint Commission will be held at the San Martín Palace . The presence of senior representatives of the EU, as well as member countries, is expected. The person who will coordinate this conclave will be Marcelo Cima , Secretary of International Economic Relations of the Foreign Ministry. Argentina is betting on this instance as a space to stage diplomatic cordiality with Spain and the European Union.

The ideological differences between Milei and Sánchez are abysmal . Today it became clear with a topic of special sensitivity. Spain, at the request of the Government, announced that it will approve the recognition of the State of Palestine on May 28 . In response, Israel recalled its ambassador in Madrid for consultation. The same thing that Moncloa did with its diplomatic representative in Buenos Aires after the meeting with the Argentine president.

In this context, the Argentine Government spoke out against the arrest request against Benjamin Netanyahu promoted by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. Through a statement from the Foreign Ministry, Balcarce 50 assures that this decision “calls into question the right to self-defense” of Tel Aviv.

T here are no political points of contact that bring Milei and Pedro Sánchez closer together . Only trade relations will sustain the link between both countries. Meanwhile, the personal dispute between both presidents will fade over time like a face drawn in the sand at the seashore.